Date: Mar 30, 2017 6:38 pm Title: Chapter 5
For one moment I was worried about Ethan, but he seems to be a good guy here.

Date: Mar 13, 2017 6:12 am Title: Chapter 5
Ok....i am confused ethan is a good guy or bad guy...he must be good cause justin would have never loved him in the past...hmm interesting turn of events...i am so enjoying this fic...thank u.
Date: Mar 01, 2017 2:57 am Title: Chapter 5
Somehow I think Ethan's appearance is not a good thing. TAG
Date: Feb 22, 2017 5:16 pm Title: Chapter 5
Hmm... interesting bit of history between Justin and Ethan. I hope it doesn't cause problems in the long run. Brian having a fit of pique, even if it was just over the phone, was cute. Although his feelings may not be as strong as Justin's are for him, there is definitely the beginnings of an infatuation there. As far as this Bernard character goes, is it safe to say that he's an idiot who might not understand the word 'NO'? He has me a bit concerned for not only Justin but most especially Brian.
I'm definitely looking forward to more of this!
Happy Writing and HUGS Rody,