Date: May 30, 2018 2:11 am Title: Chapter 8: Thursday, November 9th
Normal everyday life. Why not, once in a while.
Author's Response:
We suppose it is an ordinary day by the boys' standard. :)
Thanks for leaving a comment, Sherry.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Feb 21, 2017 3:38 pm Title: Chapter 8: Thursday, November 9th
Wonderful chapter....carl is something u for update...eagerly waiting for and hugs for everyone.
Author's Response:
Brynn's depiction of Carl is so spot-on - makes me want to reach out and give our favorite detective a hug. I really like the way his connection with Justin is evolving and how it's distinct from his interest in Debbie.
Thanks for commenting! We're working away on the next chapter. :)
~Brynn and Karynn

Date: Feb 20, 2017 9:23 pm Title: Chapter 8: Thursday, November 9th
Enjoyed Carl's part in this, especially his embarressment. I think he'll be a great help to Justin in all this. I do hope that Melanie comes through for Justin.
Author's Response:
Oops! You've caught up with us. We are working on chapter 9 right now, however, and plan to have it ready for you this weekend. :)
Brynn did such a great job of writing the scene with Carl and establishing his connection with our blond. Carl really is a sweet guy underneath his gruff exterior, and he wants to learn not to stick his foot in it with the LGBT community, especially Debbie.
Melanie will make every effort to help Justin. She always comes through for friends and family, even Brian. :D
Back to writing...
~Karynn & Brynn
Date: Feb 20, 2017 4:46 pm Title: Chapter 8: Thursday, November 9th
Due to RL troubles I hadn't gotten around to reading this. So now I did 8 chapters in one go.
I love, love, love this story. Justin is amazing in getting on with his life while Brian seems to go off the rails.
Let's hope Brian can step over his own shadow and forgive poor innocent Justin for I agree with our blondie: It must have been a big gang to do this heist for nobody can clean out a loft in so short a time on their own.
Looking forward to the next update.
Author's Response:
Thanks so much for the lovely review, Meriam! We're so glad we could delight you with eight chapters at once, which we hope made RL better for you. :)
Brian hasn't gotten over his mad yet - that was such drastic possession withdrawal for the big guy to cope with. It surely didn't help to have that wanker Thomas go on the attack right after the burglary.
We're so impressed by Justin - such a caring, mature young man. He does have his teen drama moments, though.
We're working on the next chapter now. :)
~Karynn & Brynn

Date: Feb 20, 2017 1:24 pm Title: Chapter 8: Thursday, November 9th
Finally Justin's gonna get his bag back from Carl. Yay! TAG
Author's Response:
We're so pleased by the connection Justin has established with Carl. For someone in a totally new enviornment, Carl is faring quite well - shows what a good bloke he is at heart.
Justin will actually feel like he has a wealth of clothing, especially with a proper uniform. Rather different standards from Brian, lol.
Thanks for reviewing, TAG!
~Brynn & Karynn
Date: Feb 20, 2017 4:13 am Title: Chapter 8: Thursday, November 9th
Poor Justin, fighting the bankers. I hope his reveal about Brian's visitors won't have a negative impact.
Thank you or the update!
Author's Response:
It's not much fun for Justin being a minor, when he keeps running into stumbling blocks. He has some wonderful people on his side, though, which should keep him going.
We're chuffed that Carl has taken a liking to Justin. The way Justin handled the revelation about Brian's 'guests' will probably keep the brunet from getting into too much trouble with the police. Carl's actually willing to try and understand the concerns of the residents of Liberty Avenue - quite a pleasant change for the inhabitants for the gayborhood.
Thanks for another lovely review. :)
~Brynn & Karynn

Date: Feb 20, 2017 4:03 am Title: Chapter 8: Thursday, November 9th
Wonderful chapter....carl is something u for update...eagerly waiting for and hugs for everyone.
Author's Response:
We're made up that you enjoyed this chapter - particularly the scene with Carl, which Brynn had a blast writing. Carl's so gruff and tough on the outside but quite a sweet man on the inside. He's willing to learn and adapt - can't ask for much more than that. We really like his connection with Justin... and the one he hopes to form with Debbie, lol.
Thank you for the love and hugs, which already have us working on the next chapter. :)
~Brynn and Karynn
Date: Feb 20, 2017 12:12 am Title: Chapter 8: Thursday, November 9th
Author's Response: