Date: Mar 30, 2017 6:16 pm Title: Chapter 4
How Justin is going to work in an office during the day? Will he make a deal for home working?

Date: Mar 13, 2017 6:00 am Title: Chapter 4
That was aaaammmmaaazzzziiinnnggg...â¤ðŸ˜ƒ
Date: Feb 15, 2017 3:56 pm Title: Chapter 4
Michael, as always, is a bad blow job waiting to happen! He really needs a life of his own. I wonder how soon it will be before Justin tells him that. Jealousy and Envy thy name is Michael Novotny!
As for another bad blow job waiting to happen, whomever is following Justin is going to be a royal pain. Obviously it's someone that can expose Justin's secret and mess what's beginning to take shape between him and Brian. Something tells me it's Ethan. Somehow the mention of Paris kinda gave me that notion...SMH Even if it isn't, it can't mean anything good.
This fic has become my reason to look forward to Hump Day!!
Happy Writing and HUGS,