Date: May 29, 2018 9:51 pm Title: Chapter 7: Wednesday, November 8th
Wonder if Brian's bad mood has more to do with being without Justin than being robbed. Hmmm.
Jennifer better get her head out of her ass if she wants anything more to do with Justin. Right now he's having the time of his life outside of school.
Author's Response:
Poor Brian - he's not about to acknowledge that missing Justin might be at the root of his bad mood. :D
Jennifer's concerned with the wrong things, at least for now. She'd better be careful if she doesn't want to irreparably damage her relationship with her son. Justin's building a new family and she could be left behind...
Thanks for commenting. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Sep 05, 2017 8:42 am Title: Chapter 7: Wednesday, November 8th
I'm struggling with Brian's continuing hatred of Justin. I'll read a few more chapters, but angst has got to give.
Author's Response:
Thanks for giving our story a try. :)
This chapter takes place on the fourth day after the burglary, so we think it's understandable that Brian is having a difficult time adjusting to the invasion of his loft, for which he blames Justin. Except for chapters 2 and 3, which together span one day, each chapter covers a day.
Also, Brian has been hit with a double whammy - first the burglary and now Kip Thomas' accusations - so he's having a really tough week.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Feb 20, 2017 8:48 pm Title: Chapter 7: Wednesday, November 8th
Enjoyed the scrabble game. Sorry to hear that things aren't going good for Brian. Hope that soon he'll realize that Justin is the answer to his problems not the cause of.
Author's Response:
Glad to hear that you enjoyed the Scrabble game - got out one of my Scrabble boards to be as accurate as possible in creating that scene. Had to dust it off a bit; guess I need to play with Justin - or, better yet - both of our boys on a regular basis. :D
Brian really is having the week from hell - first the burglary, then the Thomas slime, and finally the art department morons. He'll eventually figure out that having Justin around makes everything better, right?
Thank you for being such a faithful reviewer, Phyllis!
~Karynn & Brynn

Date: Feb 19, 2017 10:03 pm Title: Chapter 7: Wednesday, November 8th
I'M loving this fic!
Now I'M just guessing, that Brian's stolen furniture and other belongings with show up at the new consignment shop. And after an investigation, it might turn out that the culprit behind the theft might be closer to home than expected. Maybe someone that more than a little jealous of a certain blond twink. Someone that figured that it was the perfect way to rid Brian of his Sunshine... Jealousy is an evil, twist bitch sometimes...
Just a thought...
Hugs Kathleen
Author's Response:
We're made up that you're enjoying our story, Kathleen. Thanks for reviewing. :)
Is there anyone who isn't aware that Michael is jealous of Justin? If so, maybe we didn't watch the same show, lol. Would Michael really be capable of carrying off something as complex as that burglary, though? We don't want to give him too much credit...
We just posted a new chapter - enjoy!
~Karynn & Brynn

Date: Feb 14, 2017 10:22 am Title: Chapter 7: Wednesday, November 8th
Eagerly anticipating the next update. I'm definitely too impatient for WIPS but don't regret starting this because I truly can't foresee where it is headed, which is awesome☺
Author's Response:
We're so chuffed that we enticed you into reading our WIP. We promise that we'll do our best to update every week. :)
What a wonderful compliment that we're keeping you guessing. We'll do our best to continue that trend. *evil authors cackling away*
Thanks so much for the love on Valentine's Day. <3
~Brynn & Karynn

Date: Feb 13, 2017 3:35 pm Title: Chapter 7: Wednesday, November 8th
Loved the scrabble scene - Go, Justin! I wish Brian would lighten up on being so mad at Justin though. And how much longer do the police really need to keep that crime scene closed, cause we want to know what they've found out about the burglary. I'm sure there's lots of revelations to come . . . TAG
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoyed the Scrabble scene - Justin had a blast playing. :D
We're had numerous talks with Brian, but the man is a wee tad stubborn. We may be starting to get through to him, though...
Carl should make an appearance soon - maybe he'll drop a clue or two as to how the police investigation is proceeding.
You can count on some more twists and turns in our story. :) Thanks for reviewing!
~Karynn & Brynn
Date: Feb 13, 2017 5:47 am Title: Chapter 7: Wednesday, November 8th
I love the pace of this story and the way you make Justin and Brian see each other a little.
I'm glad that the love story between Brian and his right hand is back to the front burner and that no other blond can make him forget Justin.
The scrabble battle was funny with all the dirty words they were able to use. It's way too easy for Debbie.
Jennifer is quite cold with Justin; I hope she will change by the end of the story.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much for the lovely review, Claire!
The boys can't entirely avoid each other, what with Justin working at the diner and Brian frequenting it - a good thing, in our opinion. No matter how much Brian might believe he wants to forget that blond, he can't do it, nor would we want him to.
So glad you enjoyed the Scrabble game! I had fun figuring it out. You're right, Debs is quite the connoiseur of dirty words. :D
Jennifer needs to figure out her priorities. Fortunately, Justin's lucky to have a wonderful surrogate family with Deb and Vic.
More to come in a week! :)
~Karynn & Brynn
Date: Feb 13, 2017 5:26 am Title: Chapter 7: Wednesday, November 8th
The game was fun. Why is the loft still taped off?
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoyed the Scrabble game! I had fun finding the right words, laying down the tiles, and figuring out their scores. :)
The police haven't completed their investigation, so they haven't released the loft to Brian yet. Carl should be making another appearance soon...
Thanks for reviewing!
~Karynn & Brynn

Date: Feb 13, 2017 2:59 am Title: Chapter 7: Wednesday, November 8th
That was an awesome u told us to share some love right?? There is this song i here in india a romantic song...i just love it soo much...a cute little love story...where a boy sings a song in a cafe or something...everyday..everyone praises him but one girl...he likes her very much...but she never pays him any attention...he sings same song for her everyday soo that she can know his day a frnd of the girl sits with her they talk but here we learn that the girl actual is deaf and also cant speak...the boy was shocked but didnt give up...he learned sign language for her and next time when he sang the song he also explained the song /his feelings to her with sign language...the girl was impressed and then something special started..that was only the beginning for their love story.. i soo loved this cute love story.
The song is actually in indian language...."he tells her that he loves her very much that he cant go back now he has come so far have my heart..pls be my queen and i will ur king.."
Thats it the song is long cant explain everything ....and i didnt want to bore u any more than i i hope this gets u the motivation to bring back some much needed love in our boys life...
Thank u for posting...keep on doing ur excellent work.ðŸ˜ðŸ‘â¤â¤
Author's Response:
What a lovely story in a song! Thank you for sharing. <3
There do seem to be some comparisons our boys and the couple in the song. Justin will never give up, so surely Brian will learn to hear him, right? We need to give those boys another talking to, I think.
Thank you for the glowing comments on the latest chapter and our story as a whole. We're already hard at work on the next chapter. :)
~Karynn & Brynn
Date: Feb 12, 2017 9:23 pm Title: Chapter 7: Wednesday, November 8th
I think it's time for Brian to go after Kip and slap a lawsuit against him.
Author's Response:
I think we'd all like to see the last of that opportunistic worm. We'll mention your idea to Melanie and Brian, but then we'll have to see how it plays out.
Thanks for reviewing, Shari - and, of course, for jazzing up our banner. :)
~Karynn & Brynn