Date: May 29, 2018 6:52 pm Title: Chapter 6: Tuesday, November 7th
Nice to see ya Marty. Kip a friggin' idiot.
Man these two need their heads smacked together.
Michael needs to get a life and his own place. Good for Em for putting his foot down. If he'd sell that shit he could buy a loft near Brian. Ha!
Author's Response:
We agree - Marty and Kip deserve each other.
Can you imagine being surrounded by that much comic book memorabilia (outside of a shop, that is)? Emmett had to put up with it to some extent since he moved into Michael's apartment, but still... We can't blame canon Dr Dave for being horrified when Michael moved in, although he should have been willing to compromise, if he really wanted it to be 'their' place.
Ssh! Don't give Michael ideas! Brian would have to move. :P
Thanks for the humorous comments. :D
~ KaBrynn
Date: Aug 09, 2017 7:57 pm Title: Chapter 6: Tuesday, November 7th
Hey ladies!
First I want to tell you what a wonderful job you are doing on this story. But Brian is really turning me off here. I understand that he's upset about his home being robbed, but his over the top assholishness and blaming betty attitude is just a bit too much for me. Justin should just tell him that he's working to pay him back and let it be that. There is no earthly reason why he should allow himself to be treated so abysmally.
I know everything can't be all hearts and rainbows lol, but both of them really need to take a good hard long look at themselves and cut the shenanigans already.
Author's Response:
First of all, thank you for the compliment. We are really enjoying ourselves and the readers' reviews always brighten our day :) Secondly, I am sorry to hear that our Brian doesn't really do it for you - he's admittedly a bit of a dickhead but he's just been through a traumatic ordeal, so we decided to cut him some slack. Justin has apparently decided to do the same thing as he can't help but feel guilty over the robbery, no matter how convinced he is it wasn't his fault.
I agree that Justin and Brian could use some help with communication - they are complete dunderheads - but I can't see that getting much better anytime soon, so if you're not one for slow burn, this might not be a story for you :) We are very chuffed you gave it a shot, though, and if you ever feel like reading some more, we'll be just as happy.

Date: Feb 20, 2017 7:11 pm Title: Chapter 6: Tuesday, November 7th
I think that the storyline on the show would have been greatly improved if yours was used. The changes are perfect. Love how Brian and Melanie managed to have a conversation where nobody was snarked at. Your Justin came out just right.
Author's Response:
Thank you for another splendid review! We're completely made up that you think our story is a vast improvment on canon - we even happen to agree with you. :D
We really like how Melanie rallies to Brian's defense - she's there for him when it really counts.
So glad you think we portrayed Justin correctly. He does insist on having the occasional 'teen queen' moment, but he gets over himself quickly.
~Karynn & Brynn
Date: Feb 13, 2017 4:40 am Title: Chapter 6: Tuesday, November 7th
I didn't see that one coming. The name Thomas didn't ring a bell, but Kip did. Will that push Brian to change?
Author's Response:
Just discovered your earlier review - we very much appreciate your comments on each chapter.
Glad to hear we surprised you with Kip Thomas. Brynn is especially chuffed that her intentions with that scene panned out. :)
The Thomas incident should be quite the wake up call for Brian. We do think he's taking heed of the warning, but we'll have to see what happens next.
~Brynn & Karynn

Date: Feb 07, 2017 10:07 am Title: Chapter 6: Tuesday, November 7th
I'm loving this story, especially the fact that I haven't been able to guess what happens next - the unpredictability has me hooked☺
Author's Response:
Thank you for the lovely review! We're glad we're keeping you on the edge of your seat. *evil authors cackling away*
More twists and turns to come. ;)
~Karynn & Brynn
Date: Feb 06, 2017 1:00 am Title: Chapter 6: Tuesday, November 7th
Very well done.
Author's Response:
Thank you for the compliment. We hope you continue to enjoy. :)
Date: Feb 05, 2017 10:56 pm Title: Chapter 6: Tuesday, November 7th
So, my one big observation so far is how strange Michael's behavior has been. First he disappeared the night after the burglary with the excuse about an online auction and then here there's that strange conversation with Justin. Is this significant, or am I reading too much into it? Hmmmm.
As for your interactive doc to discuss - always in favor of that stuff! :)
Author's Response:
A number of readers are suspicious of a nefarious Michael. We'll have to see what Michael is up to, but you probably shouldn't credit him with too much intelligence. ;)
Thanks for letting us know you like the idea of an interactive doc.
~Karynn & Brynn