Date: May 29, 2018 4:34 pm Title: Chapter 5: Monday, November 6th - Part 2
Communication! Maybe if Brian knew Justin was working so he could try and pay Brian back something, although it would never be enough, it may help with his attitude.
How many times was Mikey dropped on his head? What a fucking idiot. Could never understand that friendship.
Living with Vic and Deb is good for Justin. A sense of belonging to a family again.
Author's Response:
Brian's gotten himself into a pickle - can't stop caring about Justin no matter what. He's not nearly over his mad, though, since he's convinced Justin is at fault for the burglary. And our favorite blond doesn't want to reveal his efforts to make restitution, especially after Brian has again shot him down. Two stubborn men... sigh.
The friendship between Brian and Michael is just bizarre, not to mention codependent and toxic. I thought it was too bad in canon that Michael didn't stay in Portland, at least for a couple of years, or that Brian didn't move to New York (with Justin joining him, of course). With some distance, they might have gained perspective and built a healthier friendship.
Justin has found a loving, accepting family with Vic and Deb. :)
Thanks for reviewing, Sherry!
~ KaBrynn

Date: Feb 20, 2017 6:04 pm Title: Chapter 5: Monday, November 6th - Part 2
Have to admit that this is the most realistic outcome of dining experience and study time. Love the pic you used of Debbie, perfect for this chapter.
Author's Response:
Thank you for the wonderful compliment that you found the scenes at the diner and Deb's house to be realistic. That designer suit of Brian's is just a tad worse for the wear.
Brynn is made up by your praise of Justin's drawing of Debbie. I can always count on my Synergy Sister to find the best possible pictures.
Justin surely does know how to use his study time effectively - and how to reward himself after that. :D
We posted chapter 8 yesterday, and we're working on the next chapter now.
~Karynn & Brynn

Date: Jan 31, 2017 7:21 am Title: Chapter 5: Monday, November 6th - Part 2
I'm all for better communication between our boys, but I don't really mind a few more lonely jerk off sessions either! I'm thinking Deb's gonna spill the beans to Brian about how Justin doesn't really have it so easy as Brian thinks. Maybe he'll find out that Sunshine got detention for not having his uniform and realize his queening out over not having sufficient time to shop for new clothes is a bit silly? TAG
Author's Response:
Those jerk off sessions have an appeal all their own, don't they? :D
We'll have to see what makes Brian get a clue. Comparing Justin's makeshift uniform with his designer clothes may be a big ask for our label queen. LOL Thanks for reviewing! ~Brynn & Karynn

Date: Jan 30, 2017 1:07 am Title: Chapter 5: Monday, November 6th - Part 2
Fabulous....waiting for more...thank u for sharing..😊☺
Author's Response:
We're so glad you're contnuing to enjoy our story. There will be a lot more to come. :)
Date: Jan 29, 2017 8:57 pm Title: Chapter 5: Monday, November 6th - Part 2
Brian is so mean with Justin.
Fortunately, Deb, Vic, Emmett and Ted are still nice to him.
I hope Deb will let Brian know why Justin has to work and that he's getting detention because he can't access his clothes.
Author's Response:
Thanks for your review - the first one on chapter five. :)
Debbie loves both Brian and Justin, so we'll have to see what she does. She may leave it to the boys to work things out.