Date: Mar 29, 2017 9:02 pm Title: Chapter 1
Intriguing beginning! I bet Brian will love being forever at this age and cancer free.

Date: Mar 22, 2017 1:12 pm Title: Chapter 1
Thanks for update :) Great chapter thanks.. ?? indeed how will Justin keep Brian safe!!
Date: Mar 08, 2017 3:25 pm Title: Chapter 1
Brandon is a damn menace!!! Daph h is like Marilyn in this and I'm already loving her role. Now that Brandon has met Brian face-to-face, I'm even more worried. Even if Justin does what she suggested how will that really stop Brandon from returning and trying to end Brian simply because he dared to touch who Brandon thinks of as his own? Definitely looking forward to more angst and drama!
WRITE On Rody,
Date: Mar 07, 2017 1:42 pm Title: Chapter 1
Reading about vampires is a new pace for me I'm kind of liking the darkside (ok, lovinflammation it). I look forward to more chapters.
Date: Jan 28, 2017 2:12 pm Title: Chapter 1
Ok - shocking start. Of course I'm interested in how they got to this point. Bring it on. TAG
Author's Response:
That's me - all for shocking the reader. hehe! Thanks for reading!

Date: Jan 28, 2017 1:07 pm Title: Chapter 1
I love the start...waiting for more...thank u for sharing.
Author's Response:
Thank you! I'm waiting to hear more thoughts as you read. :)
Date: Jan 25, 2017 10:04 pm Title: Chapter 1
Oh, I love this story already. I can't wait to read how Justin and Brian got together. Justin must have been so lonely before meeting Brian. I'm wondering what made Brian attempt to take his life? Thank you for letting us know you'll update every Wednesday.
Author's Response:
Thank you! I hope you'll enjoy the story as you discover the events that led to the moment Justin turned Brian.
Date: Jan 25, 2017 7:34 pm Title: Chapter 1
Glad to have a glimpse of their life when Justin turned Brian,and I can't wait for the beginning of how they got together...It's very intersting for a start,i think you got some scene from the series but i'd love to read so give us whatever your brilliant mind could think of,specially this?I for one is a huge huge fan of vampire stories about our boy,and proud to say a dying hard reader of Confuse_Bliss series of Vampires so this one is my cup of tea....
Thanks for sharing this...
Author's Response:
I usually blend in some scenes from the show in my stories, because it's too good to not be mentioned.
I hope you'll enjoy my little story after having a taste of the Queen of vampire stories a.k.a. confused_bliss :))

Date: Jan 25, 2017 4:48 pm Title: Chapter 1
I really like this idea of Justin to be the one to change Brian.
Waiting to read the rest.
Author's Response:
Of course, I had to twist it around. In all stories Brian is the srong one, but I wanted to show that Justin can be strong too, which sometimes, he is stronger than Brian (on the show).
Thank you!
Date: Jan 25, 2017 4:27 pm Title: Chapter 1
I'm definitely looking forward to learning about Justin's story. It's going to take a huge lifestyle adjustment on Brian's part but I think he'll eventually take to it like a duck to water. Is it safe to assume that Brian's life regarding his business and the like is completely different from what we've come to expect (ie. Kinnetik, Gus, etc)?
Looking forward to MORE!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Author's Response:
Justin's story is going to be explained as the story developes. Brian will definitely love being a vampire, being young and beautiful forever. Hmmm...those other ideas you mentioned are not part of the main plot. I'll let you read and discover more throughout the story.

Date: Jan 25, 2017 3:23 pm Title: Chapter 1
Very nice start to this one, Rody. I know it isn't any surprise that I LOVE vampire stories. I am looking forward to learning what happened here, and how everything develops.
Thanks for writing! :)
Author's Response:
Hehe! I've toyed with the idea of writing a vampire story since I read your stories ages ago. Then I finally got the courage to tackle the plot bunny and...voila!
I hope you'll like it as the plot thickens.