Date: Mar 25, 2018 5:49 am Title: Chapter 11
I hope Lindsey enjoyed her trip in NYC as I don't think Talon will take her ever again.
Date: Jun 26, 2017 1:00 pm Title: Chapter 11
Another love story. This is just so cute.
Date: Jan 17, 2017 8:17 pm Title: Chapter 11
Well i didn't expect that about Zeon and Thomas??But yeah i guess they're perfect for each other..Now we just have to find someone for Zeph,Zeus,and Zander...Cara's available Lydia and also Cynthia,how i wished for them to be pair up,after all they're gonna be staying in Pitts most of the time in broHouse..I love the name☺☺☺As for Talon,is she still on Zeph and Zee's side?If she is she can dump Luthers ass anytime,especially now that someone cares about her?I think Ralph could be her future?But i'm curious though,why Ralph was asking about her jewellery??
And about Lindsay and Michael,well you got what you're looking for Trouble!!you ask for it,now you definitely can have it,another court battle!!
Aaaah i miss B/J🙂🙂
Author's Response:
B&J back in the next few chapters, had to get the reuniting of Zee and her brothers rolling. Jewellery wise, it's a an oldie but goodie...the soon to be ex wives/girlfriends would swap their real jewels for convincing fake ones and kick up enough fuss when their ex demands it back and walk off with the real thing leaving the ex with the fakes...hope that helps
Date: Jan 17, 2017 8:02 pm Title: Chapter 11
Zee and her 4 brothers. It's hard to keep them straight. And it all intertwines. Zeon and Michael, I like that. Which one was Talon married to? Why would she even want to be with someone like Luther? It's good that she's seeing Luther for the bastard he is. Lindsay has been disowned and now they've been handed a counter-suit. Paybacks a bitch.
Author's Response:
Talon was married to Zeph. I hope you mean Zeon and Thomas...because him with Michael makes me squicky!
Date: Jan 17, 2017 7:16 pm Title: Chapter 11
I love the idea of a BroHouse it sounds so Stark and just perfect for Zee's brothers, funny that three of them were fighting over the same room until Zee stepped in.
Talon has finally opened her eyes to see that Luther isn't worth the twenty years she gave to him, but that jewelry he gave her should be worth enough to start a new life and a nice FU to Admiral Dumbass.
Ralph is helping Talon so that must mean he is getting ready to pay Luther back to before he leaves with more of Luther's money? (He must have years of information that could be useful?? ;))
Nancy and Ron have left Pittsburgh for greener pastures and a life free from spoilt children who don't give a Damn and would crawl over their dead bodies to take the last cent they had.
Lindsay is seeing Michael as an albatross around her neck and until she has dropped the dead weight will she get what she wants, it's funny how she looks down her nose at Talon but she has more social standing than Lindsay will ever have.
Can't wait for MOMA Friday that is going to be one Hell of a party lol
Zeon and Thomas? Hell Yeah More Hot Men Making Out!!!! Rofl
Yeah Phillip Mitcham is suing Michael and Lindsay I hope he is asking for a lot because those two put that man through the ringer and now it is his turn to return the favor :)
Date: Jan 17, 2017 5:50 pm Title: Chapter 11
So was the rnd moment with thomas and zeon rivaling Brian and Justin? (in the record kissing department)
Love that Taln has woke up about Luther and is working to take down Twatzilla and Wankerboy (love those names!!)
Author's Response:
Almost...will carryover onto the next chapter...