Date: May 28, 2018 7:39 pm Title: Chapter 3: Sunday, November 5th - Part 2
Gus is against him forgetting Justin. His dreams are against him. The world and blond twinks who can't give a decent blow job are against it. Only michael. Geeze. Poor guy.
Doesn't he know not to tempt fate like he did by kicking Justin out? Ha!
Author's Response:
Your comments on this chapter have us giggling. :D You'd think Brian would realize fate was conspiring against him, right? But, alas, it can't be that simple for the stud.
Thanks for reviewing, Sherry. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jan 24, 2017 3:38 pm Title: Chapter 3: Sunday, November 5th - Part 2
Oh well, Justin ended up at Deb's house anyway. Love that Gus' first word was Jusun. Michael is being a pain. Enjoying this.
Author's Response:
Thank you for reviewing!
We were happy that we could give Justin more of a choice about staying with Deb. He didn't have many options, but it was still a mutual decision. Both siblings are glad to have him there, although we think Justin might like to redecorate the room he's staying in . . .
We think every reader is chuffed by Gus' first word - such a clever little tyke. <3
More this coming Sunday,
Date: Jan 17, 2017 7:39 am Title: Chapter 3: Sunday, November 5th - Part 2
OMG I was so happy to see another chapter. I love that Gus's first word was Justin and that it made Justin's day. I love how he's handling everything and am so disappointed in Brian. They never did give any hint of who robed him though it could be like you said the numerous tricks that he brings over and who saw his code. Anyway I anxiuosly await the next chapter :)
Author's Response:
Aw, we're glad we could make you happy with another chapter. :)
We were also delighted when Gus' first word was Jushun - three times in fact. What a clever boy.
Isn't this mature Justin a delight? He is still a teen, though, so he may slip up from time to time. And don't give up on Brian just yet . . . he just needs to grow up too. As Justin once said, he's the most mature person Brian knows. ;)
We'll have to see what evolves in regard to the burglary.
Thanks for reviewing! Next chapter in a week.
Date: Jan 16, 2017 7:15 pm Title: Chapter 3: Sunday, November 5th - Part 2
La suite, LA suite, LA Suite, LA SUITE !!!!!
Author's Response:
Semaine prochaine, Semaine Prochaine, Semaine PROCHAINE, SEMAINE PROCHAINE!!!! :D

Date: Jan 16, 2017 4:30 pm Title: Chapter 3: Sunday, November 5th - Part 2
Awkward dinner - interesting that Michael doesn't seem too worried about the burglary, except to use it as a chance to drive a wedge between Brian and Justin? Loved cute Gus and his first word. TAG
Author's Response:
What can we say about Michael? His efforts to help his best friend seem misdirected, at the least.
The whole family may have been glad to put that dinner behind them, especially Brian and Justin. Although Jushun did have that heartwarming moment with Gus. :)
Thanks for reviewing!

Date: Jan 16, 2017 4:49 am Title: Chapter 3: Sunday, November 5th - Part 2
Omg....brian was soooo pissed and jealous as hell... awesome...loved it...waiting for more...thanks for sharing..ðŸ˜ðŸ˜€ðŸ˜Šâ˜ºâ˜º
Author's Response:
Thanks so much for leaving another review! We appreciate hearing your opinion of each chapter. :)
Brian's not in the best frame of mind right now - still very upset with his Sunshine.
More next week!
~Karynn & Brynn
Date: Jan 15, 2017 10:11 pm Title: Chapter 3: Sunday, November 5th - Part 2
Emmett is too much fun and so loyal; so happy he kissed Justin and asked him to go to Babylon. Thta's going to be fun.
Gus' first word is great as well; it shows Justin's importance in his short life.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the lovely review. We really like Emmett and his loyalty to his friends.
We just love Gus' first word, and it does indeed show Jushun's importance in his life.
~Karynn & Brynn