Date: May 24, 2017 8:09 pm Title: Chapter 24 - What?!
You go Mel. I loved this chapter.
Date: Mar 11, 2017 3:07 am Title: Chapter 24 - What?!
That was quick and decisive of Mel - I didn't see it coming, not that quickly or acutely. Awesome!
Date: Mar 04, 2017 9:11 pm Title: Chapter 24 - What?!
Bravo Mel!!! Well done!
Only Brian could get topped just before the rest of the family arrived.
Date: Jan 12, 2017 5:57 am Title: Chapter 24 - What?!
Extremely great now please don't make me wait long for more....loving it!
Date: Jan 12, 2017 1:02 am Title: Chapter 24 - What?!
Michael don't act smart you make dictionaries weep and don't think cause your brain can't handle the pressure.
Brian and Justin were Hilarious, Slick and Lindon were Hot and Jennifer handled Lindsay smoothly.
But the winner goes to Melanie who served the one two punch with grace instead of stooping to their level, she rose above Michael and Lindsay to lay them both out.
Wonder what is going to happen next? :)
Date: Jan 12, 2017 12:37 am Title: Chapter 24 - What?!
Way to "bitch slap" them both Mel
Fantastic, thanks for sharing!
More soon, please and Thank You!
Date: Jan 11, 2017 10:18 pm Title: Chapter 24 - What?!
hitatatus..........?!?! BWAHAHAHA! omg...I nearly fell of the bed laughing. And Hunter.....priceless!
Mel was Aaaaamazing! Even the gang were floored by it. I'm assuming she's back in the Pitts now?
The 2 twits continuously set my mind spinning. I mean really...they really think they're that great? what do they actually see when they look in the mirror? I just don't get it. they are totally infuriating.
Best of all, Brian has his rights back and Lindsey can no longer screw with him. At least not that way. She may want to try, but she sure won't get far.
Thank you!!!
Date: Jan 11, 2017 8:52 pm Title: Chapter 24 - What?!
Mikey can brood all he wants until he realizes he's responsible for his own unhappiness it won't get better. Brian made Cynthia's day when he banned Michael Novotney from Kinnitik. Woohoo. Lindsay isn't exactly Ban, but Mel will be on her case. Yay. Slick and Linden are really getting close. Yippy. Lindsay is soooo jealous because Jenny Rebecca had been to Britin. When did everyone get an invite? Love Mel. She gave Brian back his rights and left Lindsay. To the surprise of everyone.
Date: Jan 11, 2017 3:33 pm Title: Chapter 24 - What?!
Mel kicks ads.
Date: Jan 11, 2017 1:37 pm Title: Chapter 24 - What?!
Wow just wow!!i didn't expect that to happen but i'm so glad Mel finally damp her ass...Way to go Mel!!!Take that Lindsay,now you just have to wait until Brian kick yours and whiny brat'ass from Britin...This is getting more exciting🤗🤗🤗
Hahaa Brian was hilarious while practicing how the bottom walks😀😀
Date: Jan 11, 2017 1:22 pm Title: Chapter 24 - What?!
BOOM!!!! So GLAD Mel made good on her promises to Lindsay! Now the witch will have to deal with a Hard-hearted Brian, determimed to live his life and a Headstrong Gus, who is determimed to let his father have one.
As for that colossal jackass with NO ass, Michael... He really slays me trying to be smart! 'Hiatutus' had me damn near falling down laughing! Hunters quick wit and verbal stabs just add the icing on the cake. I marveled at his and Lindsay asking what Deb and Ben were doing in Brian's house, as if they were entitled to any sort of explanation. Too bad they're to dumb and self-absorbed to ask what they were doing there.
And now they are in prime position to get torn to shreds. Jennifer is already set a good example to follow!
Looking forward to MORE!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Date: Jan 11, 2017 12:53 pm Title: Chapter 24 - What?!
OMG OMG OMG.... Mel is now the damn Queen!!! My jaw dropped so I can only imagine Michael and Lindsay!
Date: Jan 11, 2017 12:04 pm Title: Chapter 24 - What?!
Damn I love this Mel....and for me that's pretty hard to do. Job well done!