Date: May 28, 2018 5:04 pm Title: Chapter 2: Sunday, November 5th - Part 1
Justin was lucky Jed was there to look out for him. Who knows what would have happened. I'm certain they'll meet again.
I hated how Brian's selfishness showed it's ugly head when his things were stolen. Not a thought or care as to what could happen to Justin. Lindsay drove that point home and hebdesrtvef to feel unsettled by it.
If the diner had been busy Justin would have missed out on both a job and a place to stay. Funny how Deb and Daphne know Justin's eating habits. Ha!
"Second Hand Job", bet it has almost all of Brian's stolen items inside. Marvella seems to pop up everywhere.
Author's Response:
Justin's encounter with Jed was indeed fortuitous - and the impetus behind our responsible Justin. :)
Not that we agree with the way Brian acted toward Justin, but in the guy's defense, he was feeling very vulnerable after the burglary - all the possessions he'd acquired through hard work gone and his personal space violated. Plus, he's clueless that he's in a relationship with Justin.
Justin and his bottomless stomach! :D Both will feature in the story again.
That's an interesting theory about Second Hand Job and Brian's stolen goods. We'll have to see how that plays out...
Thanks for reviewing chapter by chapter, Sherry. We're enjoying revisiting the beginnings of our story via your comments. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 10, 2017 1:30 am Title: Chapter 2: Sunday, November 5th - Part 1
Loving this let's see what Brian has to say when the door opens and he sees his Sunshine...
Author's Response:
Thanks for the lovely review, Glo. So glad you're enjoying our story.
Aren't we all waiting to see how Brian reacts? More soon. :)
~Karynn & Brynn

Date: Jan 09, 2017 4:36 am Title: Chapter 2: Sunday, November 5th - Part 1
Wow.....lovely chap...cant wait for more...great going..ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜thank for updating.
Author's Response:
Thanks so much for the review! Glad you're enjoying our story. More in about a week.
~Karynn & Brynn

Date: Jan 09, 2017 1:44 am Title: Chapter 2: Sunday, November 5th - Part 1
I really like the idea of Justin being the one to find his own way to Deb's and the job at the Diner - the result is the same, but it'll be better for his self-esteem if he's taking care of himself rather than being rescued by Brian. And I bet Brian will respect him more for it too. TAG
Author's Response:
We agree with you that the outcome should be better for everyone. To us, it seems much more in character for Justin to stay and face the consequences rather than running off to New York on Brian's dime.
We lose the hot hotel scene in New York, but there will be other opportunities for the boys. :)
Thanks for reviewing, TAG.
~Karynn & Brynn

Date: Jan 09, 2017 1:29 am Title: Chapter 2: Sunday, November 5th - Part 1
I am so glad that Justin isn't going to New York. This sets a whole knew light on what could have been. It was great that Deb managed to get him to move in. Please, please tell me that you will tell us who actually burgled Brian's loft.
Author's Response:
We really like this mature response from Justin and think it's more in character for him to stay and face the consequences rather than running off to New York with Brian's credit card. Poor kid feels absolutely horrid that he may have been responsible for leaving Brian's loft unlocked . . .
We'll have to see what develops as far as the burglary. *cue laughter from the evil authors*
Thanks for reviewing!
~Karynn and Brynn
Date: Jan 08, 2017 8:28 pm Title: Chapter 2: Sunday, November 5th - Part 1
Excellent. Mais ce n'est pas très gentil de nous laisser comme ça.
Author's Response:
L'auteur diabolique que je suis glousse, car "tu devras attendre la semaine prochaine pour connaitre la suite."
Comment in French courtesy of my dear friend, Alois.
Thanks for reviewing. <3 We're glad to keep you entertained and on the edge of your seat.