Date: Sep 01, 2022 6:55 am Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
More please!
Date: Nov 04, 2019 12:30 pm Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
Yay, an update!! What a lovely thing to wake up to on a Monday morning. This series has sent me down a path of season 1 AU fics. Great chapter. You do such a great job of writing in character. I don't normally do rereads. Thinking that it might be necessary in this case! â¤ï¸
Author's Response:
Thank you for the lovely comments! :) We're chuffed that you like our story enough to give it a reread - even if that's mostly in aid of keeping track of what's going on. :D Hearing that we're keeping the boys in character is one of the best compliments ever. :)
We are working on the next chapter - yeah, yeah, we always say that :D but it's true! There's just so much going on with the boys, and the updates are stubborn about writing themselves. :D Anyway, we should have a teaser up soon in the FanDoc. Thanks for reviewing and motivating us. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 13, 2019 8:12 pm Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
Grrrrr, I try and avoid WiPs unless abandoned because I hate waiting for updates. The world of Netflix and streaming has completely destroyed my ability to patiently wait for the next chapter/episode. Somehow this little number got under the wire and sucked me I. I am gutted that I have to wait! What an absolutely terrific read. I love stories that are firmly out of canon yet the characters are written in such a way that over time it becomes canon. I love the fact that your characters (except Michael and Dr Dave) are so rounded and it is lovely to see Old Vic back. It is funny and action packed even though it has happened over such a short time period. I really enjoy the down moments and interaction between the characters.
You are both both such talented writers. I am a Literature teacher, and fairly new to the world of fanfics. I have read a LOT for my job (and pleasure) and am constantly in awe of writers like yourselves.
Thanks again for the story. I have really really enjoyed it! â¤ï¸
Author's Response:
I (Karynn, aka eureka1) totally get that thing about WiPs and waiting for updates - I'm in the same situation with two of my favorite stories (Kerri's The Butterfly Effect and a story in another fandom, Swimmer963's incredible series, A Song for Two Voices), but there's also no way I can hold off and not read. When stories are of that caliber, at least it's always worth the wait. So... I can't be sorry that Brynn and I have snagged you as a reader of Tricky Business. :D The good news is that I can assure you that we'll never abandon our story, even if the updates are sometimes few and far between. The bad news is that real life has majorly sucked for me recently, which means there hasn't been time or energy to work much on the next chapter. We will get an update posted as soon as we can, but it's likely to be a month or more. :/
That's a terrific compliment that you consider our story to be an effective alternative to canon. :) That's just what we want. You're right that Michael and Dr Dave aren't that well rounded - Michael is the 'joker of the piece' as our beta put it. We don't think his behavior is totally off base, though, especially for season one Michael, when he was insanely jealous of Justin. (Not that his behavior in other seasons was necessarily much better.)
Appreciation from readers like you really keeps us motivated. :) We're striving for a well-written story (as error-free as possible) that is also engaging. :) As far as fanfic, I didn't even know it existed until after I stumbled onto QaF in the summer of 2015 and then began surfing the Internet for more information about the show. I had no idea that something like fanfiction was even legal. :D I read mostly in the QaF fandom, but I do occasionally branch out. High-quality, free stories? Jackpot!
Thanks so much for leaving a review. :) We hope to hear from you again. There is a teaser for the next chapter available in the FanDoc if you'd like a little something to tide you over. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: May 28, 2018 3:23 pm Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
I'm just starting this so there will be a skew of reviews.
Justin did lock up. Michael's the one who let the thieves in. Why else was he so close to the loft when Brian got there. Brian was at work when Justin told Cynthia to tell Brian. Why was Mikey around so early in the day?
Yeah, can just picture Brian staying with Em and Mikey till he could get back into the loft. He'd shoot himself first.
Author's Response:
We're made up that you're reading our story, Sherry. :) Feel free to bury us under a mountain of reviews - we can take it. :D It may take us a while to respond, but we'll do our best.
That Michael is responsible for the burglary is a popular theory. That storyline is still playing out, so we'll have so see what develops.
Yeah, Brian would probably have to off himself if he took Michael up on his offer. :D But will the alternative be much better?
~ KaBrynn

Date: Feb 20, 2018 11:04 pm Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
I find your introduction of Eric into the storyline a much better one then the series.
Author's Response:
We're made up by your compliment, Phyllis. :) This is one of the plotlines we've had in mind since the beginning, with the story - and our more mature, responsible Justin - evolving to accommodate it.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Feb 05, 2018 12:01 am Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
Happy birthday Karynn!!! Hope your day was wonderful!
Author's Response:
Thanks for the birthday wishes, Glo! All the reviews from our readers made it just perfect. :)
~ Karynn

Date: Jan 02, 2018 10:53 am Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
Author's Response:
A very happy 2018 and lots of love back atcha!
~ KaBrynn
Date: Sep 06, 2017 8:10 am Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
Michael going thru Justin's things and making out on the bed was too much. Why wasn't there more outrage for this? Good that Brian's jealously is showing more and loved the poem, but his comments to Vic about Justin's irresponsibility and his negative comments about Gus not being safe with Justin because of the banana mess we're offbase. He wouldn't say that, even in an altered universe. I wish you well trying to Brian and Justin back together, but I can't see a foreseeable realistic outcome for these two. Even though it has only been a few weeks, it was always the underling bond.... I really wanted to see this one work out.
Author's Response:
Thank you for leaving a comment :)
Michael's transgressions were outshined by the poem and the curious attempts at its translation, so no one had time to be more outraged by it, I suppose. And him and David playing couch quail in Justin's room was overlooked most likely because everyone was a little tipsy at that point and didn't think much of it. As for Brian in this last chapter - he has just recently been assaulted and left traumatised, and clearly has problems sorting himself out. I can't see how I could fault him for being a little capricious under the circumstances.
I am sorry you won't be around to see the story work out, though I am confident it will even without you :)

Date: Aug 07, 2017 12:29 am Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
Just wanted to stop and say Thank you for all the hard work ALL of you do. I can;t wait to read more of this story. PS I will also be reading the new one about Ted.
Author's Response:
Thank you for reviewing, Teresa. We're chuffed you're enjoying our story!
Yay! You just provided our 100th review, so we'd like to offer you a special prize - the sex scene of your choice. :D Sipulations: Brian and Justin only, no third party. Safe and consensual. If you'd like to message the details, you can reach Karynn via FB Messenger, where you're already friends. You can also use the KD contact page to reach either (or both) of us. We'll include the scene in an upcoming chapter. :)
We're working on the next chapter now, so there should be more for your reading pleasure soon.
~ KaBrynn
Karynn's made up that you'll also be reading Ted's Got Talent. :)

Date: Aug 01, 2017 12:18 am Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
By certain waitress, do you mean Kiki? lol.
Author's Response:
Good one, Phyllis! *giggling madly*
No... not that one, the other one with the wild red hair. :D
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 29, 2017 8:52 pm Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
I don't know if it's such a rare thing, an American working with a Brit, but the result is very entertaining, that's for sure! As a French reader, I didn't notice all the nuances between American and British English, I'm too captivated by this story and its development.
Brynn should definitely write more or publish more.
As for the "... and more", I bet we all are waiting for these parts. I'll get my fan when they happen.
Author's Response:
You're compliments on our story have us completely chuffed, Claire.
I (Karynn) was being a bit tongue-in-cheek about Brits and Americans writing together; I think it happens quite often. The most important thing, IMO, is to mesh well with another author and to enjoy writing together.
Your English is so good that, if you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have guessed you're not a native speaker of English. :) The other author I write and beta with extensively, Alois, is also French. Some of my favorite authors are French as well.
If you like mPreg (although it's really just one of the elements of the story) and haven't discovered this one yet, I highly recommend Sorchandromeda's 'The King's Will' on AO3. It's the only example of high fantasy in the QAF fandom that I've found. Here's a link in case you're interested:
Brynn has been writing for years, in a number of fandoms, and I've dabbled in a couple of her Supernatural stories. Tricky Business is her first QAF story, but we have more planned. :) Here's a link to her works on AO3:
I like to tease Brynn about becoming a porn writer because the scenes she writes are so interestering, fun, and erotic.
Do keep that fan handy as we work to reunite the boys. :D
Date: Mar 28, 2017 10:18 pm Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
I'm really enjoying this fic. The sex scenes are hot hot hot. I really hope Brian pulls his head out of his ass and uses his brain to come up with a solution to the Kip situation, realise that the robbery was a planned event, not opportunistic, and stop being so apathetic. Can't wait to read more.
One small criticism is the use of north england slang. I find it really jarring to hear any of the American characters suddenly sound like they're characters from "Coronation Street". Anyroad, just a thought. Perhaps you've already addressed this and I missed it. Otherwise, I think your story is mint. 😉
Author's Response:
A response to your wonderful review at last, Kearney... We've been waiting till we could say that RL has finally allowed us to return to the story. :)
We're glad to hear you like the sex scenes. We do too. More to come (pun intended).
Change isn't easy for Brian, but we passed on your suggestions.
Our unique blend of English does draw comments. At this point, it's part of the flavor of the story, for better or worse. ;)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Mar 07, 2017 1:47 pm Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
I like this version better than justin running away... hopefully Brian realizes it wasn't his fault. Although I think itshe a great life lessons for both of them. Also, thanks for the clarification on the timing of only a week. I didn't realize that athe all. I kind of like the separation gives the needed angst and when they finally get back together it's so much more satisfying...thank you thank you....
Author's Response:
Thank you for your lovely review, Sabrina!
We love this more responsible Justin; we just gave him a nudge so he'd think things through after the loft was burgled. Smart lad - he listened to us. :D
We're glad you're savoring the way both men are dealing with various real life issues. We'll have to see what they take from it... maybe better communication skills for a certain brunet?
Thank you for letting us know that you hadn't realized how little time had elapsed in the story. We finally realized that many of our readers hadn't cottoned on to that. Please let us know if it gets confusing in the future, and we'll add another note. :)
We're working on chapter 11 now.
Karynn & Brynn
Date: Jan 09, 2017 5:50 am Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
Remember the "I've fallen and I can't get up" commercials of the late '90s and early 2000s? That system, which is called Life Alert, uses the exact same technology. The only difference is that the device that seniors wore around their necks had a push button. With ADT their slogan is "We're home even when you're not" which means that they have an electronic record of when the alarm for your home security is both turned on and turned off. The same kind of technology is used for the "On Star" system for cars as well. It works in two ways: one is by satellite (On Star) and the other by transmission devices within the system (ADT and Life Alerts systems). You may be able to google or youtube the commercials to give you some ideas... Hope this helps!!!
Happy Writing!
Author's Response:
Thanks for the info, Chelle! We'll add it to our research notes. You and TAG have been asking pertinent questions about that security system in the loft. Can you tell we're hedging with our answers? LOL We'll see what evolves - and, yes, we do have a plan. :)
I definitely remember those ads about falling and not being able to get up. In fact, I don't think it's been all that long since I last saw one - probably a local yokel ad.
Thanks again for being such a great resource, my dear!
Hugs and Happy Writing wishes winging their way to you!
~Karynn & Brynn
Date: Jan 09, 2017 4:47 am Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
Definitely loving this necessary redux of this particular storyline. I never agreed with Brian kicking Justin out especially when there would have been an easy way to check with the alarm company when the alarm system would have been activated and deactivated. Even back in the early millennium years, companies like ADT had this particular technology so that they could track things like burglary, medical and fire emergencies. That said, I'm Sooooo ready to smack the PISSWATER out of the yapping chihuahua!!
Michael's mouth... LAWD will someone PLEASE get that mofo a muzzle PRONTO??!!! In fact, because this act of robbery seems as if the person had a pretty relaxed timeline to clear out everything from big ticket items to something as mundane as Brian's suits (which more than likely cannot be fenced without a bunch of red flags because of their original pricetags or worn unless the person is of Brian's build), I would venture a guess that this entire act was based in jealousy and envy (in a mind-or lack thereof- like Michael's, they mean two very different things)... and it would take a rotten, ignorant ass with unlimited access to the loft to pull it off. My money is on the one person with the most to gain by Justin being removed from the picture....Michael Mealymouth Novotny with a possible assist from someone else because he is better at following plans NOT making them.
Well off to the next chapter!! Hopefully, Justin lands on his feet since it's evident he can't count on Brian for moral support right now....SMH
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Author's Response:
What is the deal with the burglary and that alarm system? It's a popular supposition that Michael was responsible.
Don't we all love to hate the whiner? A muzzle - great idea! lolol
Thanks for reviewing, Chelle! Third chapter will be up in about a week.
~Karynn & Brynn

Date: Jan 03, 2017 11:19 am Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
Interesting premise here. My first thought is that there's no way this is just a random crime of opportunity brought on by somebody noticing Justin had failed to lock up properly. You can't move EVERYTHING out in just a couple hours like that unless you'd had it planned out pretty thoroughly. So what's really happening? I'll be happy to read and find out. Great start, ladies. TAG
Author's Response:
Yay! We've intrigued you with our story.
You're the first one to mention that aspect of the robbery, TAG. Hmm, what is happening? *evil authors cackle*
Karynn & Brynn

Date: Jan 02, 2017 6:49 pm Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
I'm glad to see that in this version of events that Justin called Brian rather then Brian showing up and finding out. Good to see that Carl is the cop. I hope you at least tell us who the burglar is and look forward to seeing what really happened.
Author's Response:
Thank you for reviewing! We love this more mature response from Justin, which what we envision happening. We'll see what unfolds as far as the burglary . . .
More in about a week! We hope you continue to enjoy.
Date: Jan 02, 2017 5:08 pm Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
I'm so happy that someone writes a story on this part of the show. I always doubt Justin forgetting to set the alarm...It"s going to be hard to wait the others chapters because you are very very interesting!!! Please update as soon as you can and thank you for sharing with us.
Author's Response:
We're doing a happy dance over your wonderful review! I think most of us have wondered what happened behind the scenes and questioned Justin's culpability. Hence our take on events.
We'll update in about a week. Wish we could do it faster, but that bedammed real life insists on interfering. LOL
Date: Jan 02, 2017 2:30 pm Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
A week! Okay I shall be a patient girl and wait for the next brilliant chapter!
Author's Response:
We thank you for your patience. LOL We aren't nearly as fast at churning out new chapters as you.
Thanks for the compliment to our story. More in about a week. We hope you enjoy the second installment just as much.

Date: Jan 02, 2017 5:51 am Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
Great so far..."can I have some more please?"
Author's Response:
We thank you for the wonderful feedback. And yes, you can have some more . . . in a week. :)
Karynn & Brynn
Date: Jan 02, 2017 4:31 am Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
Fantastic beginning, looking forward to more.
Thanks for sharing!
Author's Response:
Thank you, JoAnn! So very glad to hear you're enjoying our story. Lots more to come. :)
Karynn & Brynn

Date: Jan 02, 2017 1:24 am Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
Wow...lovely start...thank u for sharing.
Author's Response:
You are very welcome. Thank you for reading & reviewing! <3

Date: Jan 02, 2017 12:32 am Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
This is going to be great -I can feel it in my bones! Eagerly anticipating the next chapter☺
Author's Response:
Thank you so much! We're chuffed by your review. Next installment in about a week. :)
Date: Jan 01, 2017 10:17 pm Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
Il y a logtemps que je n'ai pas lu quelque chose d'aussi interressant.
Author's Response:
I'm glowing from your wonderful review! <3 Brynn and I thank you for the compliment. I hope you continue to enjoy our story.

Date: Jan 01, 2017 9:53 pm Title: Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000
this is gonna be soooo gooood.....
Author's Response:
So glad you're enjoying our tale, Saje! Stay tuned . . .