Date: Jan 02, 2017 7:34 pm Title: Chapter 7
Mel is such a bitch.
Date: Nov 22, 2016 5:08 pm Title: Chapter 7
Wow, Mel is even worse than I thought!
Date: Nov 11, 2016 6:25 pm Title: Chapter 7
Confrontation coming right up...
Date: Nov 07, 2016 7:25 pm Title: Chapter 7
Crunch time with Ron! Woohoo! and Brad is now hiring an investigator. Oh this is going to be epic!
Mel is a major manipulative bitch!! she thinks her shit just don't stink! She's going to be scrambling now though! Ron is NOT going to stand by her at all. He's going to save his own ass. Mel obviously lied to him throughout it all. Now she finds out that Lindsey hsa been taking money from Brian.
Between Michael Lindsey and Mel...this is going to be one hell of a story! Mel is in serious shit, Lindsey has been going along for the ride and Michael actually thinks he can get back into Brian's good graces. (that'll be the day)
EXCELLENT! Every night is a thrill with yet another thilling adventure for our boys (and their boys)
Date: Nov 07, 2016 12:07 pm Title: Chapter 7
I could not come up with my own words for this chapter so:"Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive" - Sir Walter Scott
Date: Nov 07, 2016 5:59 am Title: Chapter 7
Whoa three chapters in one night! Your Muse is on Fire!! lol
Ron is an idiot who knows the (At least I think he does?) law and still handled everything wrong he knows now that he should have been the confidant lawyer Brian paid for instead of now looking like a charlatan and pasty for Mel.
Bet she just loved all Brian's dirt being brought into court who cares if Chris Hobbs gets off for almost killing Justin just so long as Mel got to gloat in secret.
Not that Brian cared cause unlike her and Lindsay he is and always will be proud to be an out Gay Man, Brian never had to hide he was honest the only time Mel wanted anyone to know she was a lesbian is when things didn't go her way, and Lindsay was still trying to play Rebellious Wasp to tick off mommy and daddy or needy straight so Brian would sleep with her again.
Mel cheating what a Shock!!
Guess her getting her rocks off with the intern excuses her bad parenting of course still need to know what Lindsay was doing instead of being with her children?
Brad is going to earn his money with the secrets these two trollops are hiding, not to mention Michael's delusions.
Date: Nov 07, 2016 4:55 am Title: Chapter 7
Oh Lord. Could things get anymore messed up? I'm hoping Brad comes up with a lot on Melanie and they loose the kids. But I'd rather JR not go to Michael. He's just as much as fault. And at least Brian knows it. Love what you've done so far.