Date: Jun 25, 2019 5:58 pm Title: Chapter 13: THE BOY IS MINE: Ethan (and others)
I realized after I left my last review that I had still not commented on the pregnancy.
So Lindsay removed two condoms from the trash. We KNOW one is Justin's, as that's the first time he topped Brian after Sap's party. (That's if you are following that line of the show.) And I hardly think Brian left him top him twice that night, so one has to be Brian's. (BTW... Lindsay's thoughts that morning were vomit worthy)
But will Brian be able to put the timeline of the pregnancy and Lindsay being in his loft at that time. Gosh, I can't believe I can't remember where you go with this storyline! I'm surprised Lindsay wasn't a little bit worried when Brian said he was going to thank Justin for taking out the trash. I mean, what if Brian actually said something to Justin about the fact he emptied the trash can?
Ethan... what a weasel. He's MINE Kinney! Yeah... well, wait until it become knowledge how Lindsay was helping you, Ethan. And like I said, Video Tape. Run Ethan. Run.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Nov 26, 2016 9:24 pm Title: Chapter 13: THE BOY IS MINE: Ethan (and others)
Poor Ben, finding out this way...
Mel is, as always, down to earth and well aware of how things might be in reality with Lindsay.
Can't wait for the fireworks either...
Date: Nov 07, 2016 8:48 pm Title: Chapter 13: THE BOY IS MINE: Ethan (and others)
Totally missed this chapter!!!!!!!!! WOW and HOLY SHITBALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have no words as to the lengths those two little fucks will go! Now that Mel ane Ben are confronting Brian and Justin about M&L's machinations, things are going to go all to hell in a handbasket for them!!!! Dear me I can't WAIT to see what you have happen to them all!
Poor taryn is caught up in it knowing nest to nothings. Innocently telling Ben about this
lovely couple" who will be raising the twins. Oh such legal ramifications to come from all this as well! So many twists that I know you devious and wonderful mind will come up with!!!! I am so terribly excited to see what comes.
Heart broken for Ben of course, but at least he knows everything and can carry on eventually. Hopefully he will also be able to adopt Hunter, even if he is a single dad.
OMFG I am so incredibly pissed of now! Pissed at the lengths Michael and Lindsey will go to get what they want......I almost feel naseous about it.
Frigging EXCELLENT chapter! Fraught with emotions! Mainly unadulterated anger!

Date: Nov 07, 2016 6:22 am Title: Chapter 13: THE BOY IS MINE: Ethan (and others)
What are the chances of the woman carrying Brian's supposed babies would talk with Ben letting the cat out of the bag. I'm so loving this. Can't wait to see how Brian takes it. Bet the sperm was Justin's. hehehe.