Date: Sep 22, 2017 11:44 pm Title: Chapter 11: THIEVES IN THE TEMPLE: Justin (and others)
OK I hate Ian now...I know I know Ethan
Date: Nov 05, 2016 1:40 am Title: Chapter 11: THIEVES IN THE TEMPLE: Justin (and others)
Damn, I mean Damn Lindsay and Michael, Lindsay and Ethan... All Hell is going to break loose! I hope Brian's still #1 on his phone.
Later Darling ~ Kathleen
Date: Oct 30, 2016 3:01 pm Title: Chapter 11: THIEVES IN THE TEMPLE: Justin (and others)
ARGH!!!!! A cliffhanger. I hope Brian can save Justin from whatever the hell Ethan/Lindsay/Michael have planned for him. Please update soon.
Date: Oct 30, 2016 4:24 am Title: Chapter 11: THIEVES IN THE TEMPLE: Justin (and others)
Deb Tanner is gonna love that you used her PB! LOL! TAG
Author's Response:
LOL! Between you and her...Jeez Louise! I can't get away from the them, LOL They just keep hopping around and multiplying; they won't even let me sleep little old mean, intrusive bunny bugaboos!
Date: Oct 29, 2016 9:49 pm Title: Chapter 11: THIEVES IN THE TEMPLE: Justin (and others)
Lindsay and Michael are now joined by Ethan as trouble. Hopefully there is some way to prove that Ethan vandalized Justin's car. To find out that Lindsay was behind Ethan wooing Justin is just so believable. Hopefully Mel heard her talking to Ethan. The noose is tightening around them all.
Date: Oct 29, 2016 9:17 pm Title: Chapter 11: THIEVES IN THE TEMPLE: Justin (and others)
What the hell?!?! Clearly Ian is as delusional as Michael but who the hell just knocked Justin out?! OMG! This is too much, I don't know if I can take this....ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Lindz is just digging her grave deeper isn't she? She is as much of an idiot as Michael is...she stole sperm that was clearly Justin's (of course she wouldn't know that), cause he topped Brian after he got arrested.
Sweet Jesus Nicole, what are you doing to us?!
Date: Oct 29, 2016 9:08 pm Title: Chapter 11: THIEVES IN THE TEMPLE: Justin (and others)
OMG! WOW!!!!! I cannot wait for the next update!
Date: Oct 29, 2016 8:56 pm Title: Chapter 11: THIEVES IN THE TEMPLE: Justin (and others)
Oh my! What a spot Justin is in now! So much plot progression in this chapter. I felt I had to hold onto the edge of my seat to keep up with the horrifying developments. Not sure who I detest the most - Ethan, Lindsay, or Michael. Right now, I think Lindsay is leading the pack. I can't wait to see each of them receive their comeuppance. So much to worry about here. I have no clue how Brian can find Justin, but my goodness, I hope he does and quickly.
Amazing and well developed chapter, my friend. It was so riveting!
Thanks for writing. Looking forward to more! *Hugss* Janet
Author's Response:
Hey Janet!
This was definitely one chapter that revved up the angst factor. I think that I agree with you regarding Lindsay although Michael and Ethan definitely come in a close second and third. They make me want to lock them in a cabin and send Kathy Bates in with her sledgehammer...LOL
Thanks so much for the compliments to my work. They mean more than you know!!
Date: Oct 29, 2016 8:06 pm Title: Chapter 11: THIEVES IN THE TEMPLE: Justin (and others)
What a cliffhanger!!!
I guess number 1 is Brian, but how will he find Justin?
Ethan is worse than I thought and Lindsay is really a monster, plotting and hurting so many people.
Can't wait for more...
Author's Response:
Hey Claire,
Yeah.... Ethan could be Michael and Lindsay's child if they procreated...**shudders and shivers** Lindsay is a real slick chick and hides behind that 'Earth Mother' facade really well. Exposing her is going to be a real pleasure!
Happy Reading and HUGS,