Date: Oct 10, 2021 12:16 pm Title: Chapter 17
I just finished reading this story. It was a long time coming, but the payoff was great!! I loved everyone telling Michael off. He deserved everything he got and more!!
Date: Apr 19, 2017 9:20 pm Title: Chapter 17
Ted is so funny trying to hide his laughing at Woody's.
I thought Michael will use what he thinks he heard at Woody's and I was right. What a fool.
Jenny has some way to explain Hunter and Matt's reasons to be at the loft.
Emmett can be such a strong guy when he's in protective mode.
Mel is shooting back at Lindsey (about Justin and NY): that's a change; before, she was shooting at Brian.
Brian's speech at the end!
Bravo! Wonderful story!
Date: Apr 08, 2017 1:11 am Title: Chapter 17
So, first it's Justin and Ben, then it's Ben and Steve, now it's Justin and Ted? LOL!
Jenny is seriously brilliant! Lindz didn't know what hit her.
It's hilarious how Michael not only seems to always believe people owe him apologies, but that by deigning to grace them with his presence, they will fall to their knees and beg forgiveness. The fact that he seems to tell himself this repeatedly about different situations, yet it never happens, doesn't seem to register in his pea brain.
I'm glad Deb's finally opened her eyes about her dipshit son.
Ugh... Lindsay panting after Faal. Gross. And, I'm not sure who's more selfish - her or Michael.
I'm surprised Justin can call Brian his muse without it bringing up gross thoughts of Ethan.
Wow, just wow. That reminded me of one of those ceremonies where someone is shunned. I half expected all of them to turn their backs to Michael when they were done speaking. And, of course, Michael ran his mouth again. I'm just surprised Lindsay would immediately start defending him without getting more of a sense as to what was going on. Sloppy, especially for a WASP.
Loved it, loved it, loved it!! I can't wait to see the wedding and more smackdowns for Lindsay and Michael!
Date: Jan 12, 2017 8:06 pm Title: Chapter 17
I absolutely loved this story and I'm really happy that there is a sequel. I can't wait to read it.
Date: Oct 17, 2016 4:50 pm Title: Chapter 17
I can't believe this is the end! what and AMAZING job you've doen. YOu left it perfectly and and so looking forward to the sequel.
I couldn't believe when I saw 2 chapters in a row! thrilled to bits!! this will be 4 both chapters.
Glad that justin is ok, adn that he's with Faal and Zee. Between them, Emmett and well, everyone else, he'll be well looked after. lol. He gave everyone quitea a scare.
I had to laugh when Michael thought David leaving was all a bad dream!! HAHAH! Reality sucks in his world. His efforts to get in touch with Brian and Ted were funny too. I mean Alice!?!?! WOW! That was so amazing! Had my pom poms out again cheering. GO ALICE!!
Lindsey is showing her colours once again. Sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong. I couldn't believe when she was flirting wiht Faal! I mean holy shitballs!. she certainly has a rather healthy ego doesn't she?
Mel is a great mom! she gets to the bottom of things, (once she's in the know that is) she didn't just go off on Hunter or Gus, she got the info and went from there. Straight to the diner apparently. LOL! Oh what I wouldn't do to have seen that!
Total Moron!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Frigging hilarious!!
My heart broke for Jenny. She finally sees her dad for what he truly is. the blinders are off now. While the vindictive bitch in me is thrillled that finally everyone see him for who and what he really is, teh parent in me wants to gather her up and protect her. mind you, she has a ton of family to do that.
I love how close they all are. How these Sunday family days have extended to this now. That when they don't have it it's so greatly missed.
I'm curious as to where michael's sense of entitlement has come from. I sort of get Lindsey, but not Michael. It's seems like it's entitlement, that bor=n from extreme bitterness. Such unattractive qualities. While I get Lindsey a little bit, I by no means think it's allowable. I mean really...going to Brian's office and thinking she has any kind of input? that whatever Brian makes is "gus's inheritence"? Then to top it off she seems to think she deserves mention in Justin' speech. Just wanna slap the bitch. Again, Mel putting up with the same thing that Ben has been. I don't get it.
LOVED the proposal!! So very typically Brian to do it off handed like that. I think more realistic tbh. Much more Brian. How they announced it at the party was perfect too. Everyone was shocked and thrilled! nice touch bringing Daphne into it again with the phone! :)
Michael got his just rewards. Jenny disowning him...while I wasn't surprised, I don't feel sorry for him at all, but I'm curious as to how he's going to react over that in the long term.
His assumption that thee was something between Justin and Ted finally coming to a head as well was a bit of a "clusterfuck" to use Zee's terms. Brian finally letting him know where tings stand. That it's over. fianlly. what Michael said about jack just proves my point of his level of bitterness. that Lindsey is still trying to defend him is unreal, but I suppose she's looking after herself , not him. she needs a partner in crime.
Well my dear, what a terrific story. I enjoyed it thoroughly and will go now and read the 1st chapter to the sequel. Very excited to see it so quickly.
thank you for sharing this with us!!
Author's Response:
Elaine, I am so glad you enjoyed it. Michael in this story gets his sense of entitlement out of his ass quite far as he's concerned he provided shelter for Brian when he was being abused and now he's due. What he's due is a kick upside the head but there you go...and he's still not taking it on board. Jenny is a little pitbull but of course Michael and Lindsay underestimate her determination and tenacity.
Lindsay has also made a huge mistake in dissing Zee...because of course she doesn't see her as any threat whatsoever. After all she's not picked up on the fact that it's Zee's house...and just like Justin she can decide who comes and who goes...!
Hopefully you will enjoy Buzz of the Wasp as much.
Date: Oct 17, 2016 2:39 am Title: Chapter 17
I Love That Line.
It Takes a Wasp to Kill a Wasp I hope you incorporate it into your story it would be the perfect thing for Jennifer to say right before she faces Lindsay head-on.
I just love this story and the image of Daphne knocking down Michael with just her intellect alone makes me want to laugh.
I see these two women doing the most damage to The Gruesome Twosome and their lame plans.
Author's Response:
Oh yeah that line is definitely going in there and only Jennifer can say that! Now Daphne's arrival heralds a whole lot of hurt for Michael.
Hope you enjoy the sequel Buzz of the Wasp as much
Date: Oct 15, 2016 1:46 pm Title: Chapter 17
Looking forward to the sequel... and I have a feeling Lindsay can't stay quiet for long. I'm sure Michael thinks he has more he can do as well!
Thank you for this story!
Author's Response:
Thanks Cookiebun,
Of course she can't, she's a WASP and a spoilt one, once she saees something she wants she goes after it, but sadly for her [but great, I hope, for readers] she underestimates a certain someone. And ding-ding-ding about Michael...
Hope you enjoy The Buzz of the Wasp as much.
Date: Oct 15, 2016 1:25 pm Title: Chapter 17
Wow! Amazing! I still think Michael should have gone to jail. lol Looking forward to the sequel!
Author's Response:
Thanks and I might just do that...if only for one night.
Hope you enjoy The Buzz of the Wasp as much.
Date: Oct 15, 2016 1:06 pm Title: Chapter 17
Wow! That was one hell of a smack-down! Brian is finally Justin's muse, his confidant, husband and his forever and ever! Squeals! I loved this fic, and I'm sad to see it coming to an end...
Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen
Author's Response:
Oh my! Thanks Kathleen!
Yep, Justin finally gets his man where he should get him, to himself!
Date: Oct 15, 2016 12:39 pm Title: Chapter 17
Love this fic can't wait for the sequel maybe a anti lindz next hint hint ;)
Author's Response:
Your hint is my command...and of course it will be anti-Michael too!
Date: Oct 15, 2016 5:59 am Title: Chapter 17
Loved this story and all the new characters in Brian's and Justin's lives. Looking forward to the sequel:)
Author's Response:
Thanks. Watch for Charles and Daphne and a little bit of tweenage sweetsness...that's all I am saying.
Date: Oct 15, 2016 4:27 am Title: Chapter 17
This was a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to the sequel and seeing Lindsay get what's coming to her, and seeing the fallout with Michael. Thanks for sharing!
Author's Response:
Thanks glad you liked it. To say they get theirs is an understatement. Our Daphne comes home!
Date: Oct 15, 2016 2:41 am Title: Chapter 17
HOLY MOLY!!! Michael got tossed out into the cold without a friend to help him (Well Lindsay still has his back...until he is of no further use to her), they all hit Michael with the truth but I really doubt he sees himself at fault and he is putting all the blame on Justin.
Jenny finally saw Michael for who he really is and she handled him with maturity (Something her father never possessed), she will be okay thanks to a wonderful support system it will just take time.
Brian and Justin are getting married too bad before the I dos they are going to have to deal with Michael's poor attempts at revenge and trying to get back into Brian's good graces, then there is Lindsay and her attempts to sabotage Justin and get Brian to support her.
Of course before then Michael will have to deal with one Mother Taylor and after she gets through with him I bet he would love to be slapped by Mel or Alice again.
I look forward to the next story especially now that Daphne is going to meet Faal, Zee and Matt.
I am already looking forward to reading this one over again :)
Author's Response:
Into the cold, cold night his arse goes...but of course he tries to crawl back into the warmth of the family...idiot!
Ah Miss J, came at him with all fangs bared, nobody but nobody hurts her brother.
Sadly you are right about the "revenge" and "sabotage" that the dumbass duo try to wreak but B&J will be fine...our Daphne's coming and you know how much she loves Michael.
Mother Taylor will handle Lindz...after all some say it takes a wasp to kill a wasp.
So glad you liked it.
Date: Oct 15, 2016 12:45 am Title: Chapter 17
BTW... Here is the link for the Steven Tyler Skittles Commercial!! LOL
Author's Response:
Oh my goodness, note to self next time I watch that do not be drinking wine!
Date: Oct 15, 2016 12:31 am Title: Chapter 17
This was a PERFECT ending!! OMG! Nicole I am so PROUD of you! This had angst, drama, humor and at the end of it all JUSTICE! Michael should definitely be slinking away in the shadows now although I doubt it. My motto is: Evil never DIES it just reinvents itself! I don't doubt that this will once again be the case but...
Next up on the chopping block is Princess Priss! I was so damn proud of Mel for telling Lindsay's interfering ass to have a seat and a healthy dose of Shut the f*ck up. We all know that she will not listen all in the name of Gus' inheritance which is Lindsay-speak for her direct route into the Kinney-Taylor coffers. I look forward to her losing everything but in the meantime...
I'm glad that David was able to fix things with Hank. I like that despite his whole sordid past, he was honest with Faal and Zee about his misdeeds where his son was concerned and took their advice to heart. I get the feeling that this was exactly the olive branch Hank was waiting for. As for Charles, what can I say except now THERE is a partner befitting David. I love the way he handled Michael!
Jenny really unleashed that pint-sized pitbull she's been keeping under wraps! The way she dealt with Michael was EPIC! To be told off by the adults was one thing but for the former 'Honeybun' to realize what a whiny, sniveling, mean-spirited imp Michael is was wonderful to see and long overdo. It will probably sting her for awhile but I think she will be much better for it in the long run. This is one person who is no longer blinded by Michael's machinations!
Another EPIC part was the final writing off of Michael Novotny!! YAYYYYYY!!!!!! All of them- every last one of them- had their say and it was about time! It was pure freaking genius that he thought he was going there to expose Ted and Justin's 'affair' and instead he was the one left Assed-Out in more ways than one. I hope Brian and Justin sell all of Michael's collectibles and puts the proceeds into Jenny's college fund. I know that would make Mel happy and take some of the pressure off of her since Michael never did anything for his daughter anyway.
Great Job once again Nicole!! WHOO-WEE!!! Your first multi-chapter is complete and now onto conquering the next!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Author's Response:
Wow just wow, thank you so much Nichelle...*blushing*
Of course Captain PITA and Princess Priss will continue to haunt our little family and try to wreak's in their dumbass nature.
I absolutely loved writing the pitbull scene for Jenny. Michael didn't realise how much she loves Hunter and nothing and nobody is going to hurt him if she has anything to do with it.
Oh the final smackdown for Mikey, have to admit it was a bit off a riff off of A Knight's Tale when they all had their say and for Alice to be the one to gunslap his face had to be done, initially I was going to have Brian break down over his comment about Jack but that just wouldn't have worked.
Hope you enjoy The Buzz of the Wasp as much.
Seriously your support and words of encouragement have really helped.
Happy reading
Date: Oct 15, 2016 12:05 am Title: Chapter 17
I can't wait!
Date: Oct 15, 2016 12:00 am Title: Chapter 17
OMG I so loved it. Lmao.. Mikey got the smack down.looking forward to more by you. Ty for sharing this wonderful story.
Date: Oct 14, 2016 10:23 pm Title: Chapter 17
OMG! You've done it up right. Given Michael the boot. Now what do you plan on doing for Lindsay? Am so proud of Jenny and Alice. They really gave Mikey what for. Thank you for saying there will be a sequel.