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Reviewer: 7Wildwaysup Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 04, 2016 7:07 pm Title: Chapter 5: AS WE LAY: Justin

"But after last night, all I know is that I can't do without him." You're damn right you can't, and neither can he!!!

Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Toni Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Sep 20, 2016 3:04 am Title: Chapter 5: AS WE LAY: Justin

I found this story and am very glad that I have. It has so much emotion and made me feel for both Brian and Justin. My anger for Michael and Lindsay probably will never change though. I don't think anyone could write that moron in a good light, it wouldn't be believable lol.

Its nice to see that Brian and Justin both seem to know that they each screwed up and that they miss eachother.I hope Justin ends it with the fiddler soon. You just want to give them a good shake to wake them up so they can communicate their feelings.

Justin said to himself that the fiddler wasn't enough for him and he wasn't happy with him and he said that Brian wasn't enough for him. What is enough? He wanted Brian to validate his place in Brian's life even if he didn't say that he loves him. He could of said that he wanted him to stay, which is what he did tell Brian in the other chapter. And Justin wanted him to stop tricking. Will they have "the talk" about all those things? Will it take a lot Longer? Will Mikey and good old Lindsay get their just Desserts?

Do you know how many chapters this story will be?



Author's Response:

Hello Toni! Thank you for reading and commenting on this!

I agree with you about your assessment for Michael.... I could never write a completely 'Michael-friendly' fic. In fact I think most of the patrons of my work would actually start checking for the Headless Horsemen of the Apocalypse if I did, LOL That said, there is a sure-fire reason why this isn't tagged A-M or A-L but it's going to take awhile to be revealed. 

Yes, Brian and Justin know that they were wrong and each had a major part in their break-up. It's going to take asking some very specific questions and facing some very hard truths about themselves before they can be put back to rights. In the meantime though, they are going to be thrown together more and more often- both in bed and out of it- so it will definitely make for some interesting reading. 

I'm not sure at this time how long the story will be. It has grown exponentially from the 'one-shot' I originally had in mind to another multi-chapter journey with corners, forks in the road, some one-way streets, some lonely highways and stopping places along the way. I hope you continue to enjoy the ride!!

happy Reading and HUGS,


Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 5:05 pm Title: Chapter 5: AS WE LAY: Justin

Wow........what a weekend for reading.

This story is so emotional. If feel for both of our boys. different emotions at different times. I can empathize with each of them. I get Justin's anger. At Brian, at Michael and himeself. I get Brian's frustration, his anger and his volitile emotions. Justin has the ability to make him feel so much and he both loves and hates it. His main sourse of venting those emotions is though sex. Preferably with Justin. ;)

Hopefully Ethan will only be a blip and a very short one at that. His clingyness in just this past chapter is already annoying. How far will he go to hold onto, or least try to hold onto Justin?

these last 3 chapters were such a mix of emotions. The sex was hot, but yet....I felt a sense of melancholy within myself, knowing that nothing has been fixed between them yet. Brian's comment, "just always do" broke my heart. I could hear his despondant voice clearly.

I'm curious if he will do anything about  Michael and Lindsey? Will there be any immediate repercussions due to Justin's tirade? I have to say, after that big reveal, I can't blame him for feeling the way he did. Brian not standing up to those 2 and standing up for Justin must have hurt Justin terribly. It would only reinforce his own misgivings. while I don't agree with the way he went about it with Ethan, I can understand the need for some emotional empathy from him. It's obvious the lack of communication is a major flaw in their relationship. I can only hope that they are able to get around this. Perhaps Justin's tirade will help to start it off.

OMGoodness. I know you just gave us 3 beautiful chapters, but I can hardly wait for the next one...and the next one...etc. :)

Thank you soooo much! 



Author's Response:

Hey Elaine!

There is still a ways to go with this fic. You are right that Brian and Justin solved nothing. They will eventually get some more insight about why they fell apart but it will take time. In the meantime we know what Justin has decided but Brian is a different matter- at least in terms of their non-relationship. But there is another situation that Justin has to deal with- Michael. The fact is that Justin may not want Brian's help but he's getting it anyway...LOL

In terms of Ethan: Hmm....can I just roll my eyes and suck my teeth at him now? I guess not....smh Anyway, just to give you an idea of how Ethan really is in terms of Justin I have to ask...have you ever imagined what Michael would have been like if he had actually gotten the hoped-for-relationship with Brian? Yeah, I too am making myself SICK with this scenario! I'll have to put a stop to it soon....but not too soon, LOL

More Coming very soon!! 

Happy Reading and HUGS,


Reviewer: Stacy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Sep 19, 2016 12:53 am Title: Chapter 5: AS WE LAY: Justin

Thank you for getting back to me. I agree and understand everything that you said. Just one thing about the show. Yes Brian would never hurt Justin on purpose and that he would always do what he thinks is best for him with out ever consulting him or asking him, hence the Kinney Cliff. Yes he did ask Mel and Lindsay if they  had see Justin at the rage party because he was looking for him for a fuck or for whatever reason. You said that it's so that Justin would look for him and find him tricking which Justin was having a problem with. I don't understand how that could of been a setup from Brian. Brian didn't know when Justin would be talking to Mel and Lindsay because the girls weren't told to go and find Justin. So how would Brian know when Justin would go to the back to find him tricking. Brian was already tricking when Justin caught him, but he could of been finished by the time Justin came. He couldn't of known what time Justin would make it to the back or what time the girls would have given  the message to him. It was dumb luck. Not planned. Just Brian being Brian. What do you think on that ? Brian saw that Justin was upset, when Brian left the back room and and found Justin and took off his mask he felt bad and gave Justin a tiny smile because he knew that Justin was going to choose there and then. Brian wanted him to choose Brian but was prepared to let him go and not fight so he could be happy. But he was upset and hurt when he actually chose China Rather. What are your thoughts on that.

So that line about Justin never having the balls to correct his knowledge about not giving up on us was about him not telling Brian his feelings of what he told michael?

I forgot to tell you that please don't forget that story Lion and the Stud. I never read stories that are WIP. I usually wait for the completion and yet with your stories, I can't seem to put them down. As an added bonus you rock with anti Michael anti Lindsay. Lol







Author's Response:

LOL! First, thank you for the compliment of my work. It's appreciated more than I can ever say!

Secondly, you're going to have to read the story to find out what I (or more importantly what this version of Brian and Justin) think in terms of the entire Rage arc. Much of that entire story line was open to interpretation and all I can say is that we all may or may not view the events leading up to Justin leaving with Ethan the same exact way. It doesn't make us all wrong in our assessment but subject to speculation and innuendo. For someone like me- a writer with entirely too much imagination- it makes it easy for me to spin different scenarios and tailor-make a plot to support my theories. It's why I LOVE writing in this fandom! 

Happy Reading and HUGS,


Reviewer: Tagsit Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 11:48 pm Title: Chapter 5: AS WE LAY: Justin

'After last night, all I know is that I can't do without him' . . . Very telling! So is the fact that Justin didn't return Eyeore's I Love You! More please. TAG

Author's Response:

LOL!!! See Brian even has you calling him Eeoyre!! LMAO!

Definitely MORE coming soon!

Happy Reading and HUGS,


Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 8:41 pm Title: Chapter 5: AS WE LAY: Justin

Girl I got chills reading these last few chapters. Ethan doesn't even have a clue that his relationship with Justin is basically over.

Author's Response:

So happy that i was able to thrill you, Tamara!! These two are FIRE!! Ethan is definitely clueless but then again that's what he gets for only seeing what he wants and never looking at the bigger picture.

Happy Reading and HUGS,


Reviewer: addicted-to-romione-bedward Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 3:07 pm Title: Chapter 5: AS WE LAY: Justin

I really need more. Can't wait to see thier randez-vous. hehee

Author's Response:

Hey my Rody!!! Thanks so much for joining me on this one too!! Brian and Justin are in for one helluva ride! 

Happy Reading and HUGS,


Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 2:38 pm Title: Chapter 5: AS WE LAY: Justin

Two chapters. Wowza.  Now what decision will Jurstin make?  Whiney Ethan, yuck.

Author's Response:

Good morning, Phyllis!!! Yep, got caught up in ADLS last night and couldn't stop until it was done! Justin is in the process of redefining himself and his life so all of his decisions will be based on that. Whiny Eeyore...I mean ETHAN...Fuck Brian even has me saying it! LOL He is like Michael would be if Brian was so inclined to make Michael's childhood fantasy come true. In a word... YIKES! 

Happy Reading and HUGS,


Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 9:06 am Title: Chapter 5: AS WE LAY: Justin

What a treat: 3 chapters to read this morning!!! Thank you, thank you!

Justin's introspection is really interesting and he finally takes THE decision; I hope Brian won't fight against it, even if I doubt that he will. How, when and where will the real reunification take place?

Sorry to read that Justin's nightmares are back; it can't help him feel good, but so happy he fights Ian's honey words (baby, partner, I love you) which must seem pale in comparison of the silent "words" of Brian from last night.

Author's Response:

Hey Claire!! Good morning Darling!! 

It gripped me good last night and I couldn't stop writing! 

Justin has a pretty heavy decision, especially since he's now seeing the value of an open relationship vs. what he was taught to believe. He's in the process of redefining what he wants in all areas of his life and that is extending to what he had vs. what he has now. Ethan is....whew! Ever have that disgusting vision of what Brian and Michael would be like in a relationship? Yep, Justin and Ethan relationship is EXACTLY that! And extremely hard to write without cringing, LOL! 

Happy Reading and HUGS,


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