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Reviewer: susi_in_love Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 19, 2016 7:52 am Title: What A Wonderful World

It's really good to see how good Brian and Melanie get along. And Michael and Lindsay living together? I wonder what they talk about. I mean they can't both be together with Brian. Now I just have to find out what made Curtis do what he did.

Author's Response:

Brian and Mel are a lot alike.

Michael and Lindsay probably try to figure out ways they would like to get rid of Justin.

Curtis has many many reasons for wanting the baby.


~charming1 & Lorie~

Reviewer: eureka1 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 07, 2016 9:07 am Title: What A Wonderful World

Not very many brain cells between Michael and Lindsay combined. How could either of them think it will help one of them end up with Brian if they testify to him being of low moral character? That's supposed to make him turn back into Peter Pan, perpetual club boy? And also be a devoted partner to either Lindsay or Michael? Huh?

I so like the evolving familial bond between Brian and Melanie as well, of course, as Justin and their children. They make a wonderful family. I'm not surprised at all that Brian established a college fund for JR--just the kind of thing he'd do and never mention.

I hope Amanda really comes through on the witness stand. What could Curtis possibly say that would guarantee the judge would grant him custody?

Author's Response:

Neither one is playing with a full deck.

They are a great family.

Brian is a loving and caring man, especially when it comes to children.

Curtis is an ass and what he has to say will prove it even more.


~charming1 & Lorie~

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