Date: Nov 04, 2016 4:51 pm Title: Chapter 2: WHEN I WAS YOUR MAN: Brian
I started re-reading this on my phone. (But I can't seem to leave a comment? Who knows?) I forgot where i left off, and I guess I needed a refresher... I'm loving this fic, I can just imagine Lindsay drawling Rage, she'll probably get caught up in her fantasy and draw herself into Rages lair... Poor Mikey, caught embezzling Justin's profits, maybe Lindsay can cough up those funds too? Now Justin's on his way to the loft... Maybe in your reality him and Brian will be overwhelmed with passion, realizing that the flame is still smoldering. Now Justin needs to leave the Chin-Rats ass in his decrepit hovel... Okay, on to the next chapter!
Hugs Sweetheart ~ Kathleen
Date: Sep 15, 2016 1:57 am Title: Chapter 2: WHEN I WAS YOUR MAN: Brian
Mikey’s in trouble, I love it. It was something else that always puzzles me, why was Michael in charge of the comic? Maybe I'll think of a reason. Can't wait for more.
Author's Response:
Hey Star!!! I'm so happy that you are enjoying my insanity while taking a small break from your own. Justin initially let Michael have charge of the comic because of two reasons: 1. It was Michael's dream and 2. Justin was working and going to school full-time. The problem with that is he trusted Michael to do the right thing by him knowing that he had expenses of his own. To Michael's mind, Justin has Brian so there's no need for him to have anything beyond what Michael chooses to give him. I think Michael tends to forget just how intelligent Justin really is despite his age. That lapse in memory will be a very costly mistake.
Happy Reading and Writing (Girl, I LOVING TSOOL so MUCH!!),
Date: Sep 14, 2016 7:54 pm Title: Chapter 2: WHEN I WAS YOUR MAN: Brian
Oh my ever loving Jesu H. F-ing christmas!!!!!!! #rd paragraph in and I want to have a smack down with Michael. You always portray him just right for me. LOL.
Now...that chat with Lindsey?! WTF?! Seriously?! So glad Mel is getting filled in properly and that she'll be on the right side of things, at least on a legal perspective. I always felt that she'd get along with Brian quite well if it weren't for Lidnsey's intereference and manipulations. She and Michael are in a WORLD of shit! good to know that both Brian and Mell will be driving forces in the fall out. Did either of them really think that Justin would just let them screw him over. If nothing else Brian and Ted would let the gang know what the hell was going on.
Michael is so not concerned about Brian and his absences. He's concerned about himself and his place with Brian. He's concerned about his own financial situation...He's concerned about himself. full stop. typical selfish little shit. We all know he's not going to pay attention to Brian's warning of staying out of his business. He's going to try to raise more and more shit. Ben may soon be at the end of his rope. Sadly, I'm really not sure Michael will really give a shit, except how it affects him financially.
Am so thankful that you continue to share these great stories with us. I know your brain is working on the next installments to the other ones. Happy to have yet another story to keep us entertained while you set your devious plans in motion for the other ones. :)
Author's Response:
LOL! You have Michael and Lindsay nailed to a tee. Their 'concern' for Brian always came with a heavy dose of egocentricism. The way both of them see it is that now that Justin is out of the picture, Brian can and will start doing for them again no matter what they ask. But what they aren't prepared for is that not only is Brian, Mel and Ted onto them but Justin is too! And that little Blond Brainiac is dangerous when he's angry. They seriously betta watch their backs...LOL
Happy Reading and HUGS,
Date: Sep 14, 2016 4:11 pm Title: Chapter 2: WHEN I WAS YOUR MAN: Brian
Love Brian still looking out for Justin even after the Fiddler. TAG
Author's Response:
Me too!! That always touched me about their dynamic. The confrontation between B&J is up next. Things should get really interesting from there....LOL
Happy Reading and HUGS,
Date: Sep 14, 2016 1:06 pm Title: Chapter 2: WHEN I WAS YOUR MAN: Brian
Really enjoying this story. Love a strong Justin and a more reasonable and protective Brian. Justin owning his own vehicle, having a PO Box, setting up a website for Rage. This level of independence is refreshing. Good to see Brian learns of Michael and Lindsay's machinations! And Lindsay replacing Justin as the artist for Rage? Ha! great plot twist but seriously don't think she has the talent.
So glad that you are enjoying this Koalared!! I've always thought that Justin was a strong man. He would have had to be to survive Brian Kinney and all the other emotional upheaval that had come his way in canon. Not only that but he had a way of humanizing Brian that I absolutely loved. so I write him that way. He has a major independent streak even with Brian, which I think many of the people around them missed (demonstrated with the whole Sap arc). In any event, I think of him and Michael as polar opposites so when writing I would say 'What would Michael do?' and then do the complete opposite which makes Justin easy to write for me, LOL As for Lindsay.... SMH... There is no getting around the fact that she wants to 'BE' Justin in every way possible, which includes but is not limited to having Justin's talent. She and Michael will learn that the creation of Rage is MUCH harder than they thought when they don't have Brian and Justin to lean on. Happy Reading and HUGS, ~Nichelle
Author's Response:
Date: Sep 14, 2016 11:32 am Title: Chapter 2: WHEN I WAS YOUR MAN: Brian
Oh wow! I can't believe that Lindsay and Michael would stoop so low.
Author's Response:
LOL! Neither could I but then again, these two know all about living vicariously, don't they? If Brian didn't feed their addiction, Justin did, constantly imagining themselves in his place at Brian's side. However, at the same time there was major jealousy of Justin from both of them and now that Brian is also pulling away from them... well let's just say that desperation makes strange bedfellows!
Happy Reading and HUGS,
Date: Sep 14, 2016 5:32 am Title: Chapter 2: WHEN I WAS YOUR MAN: Brian
Yeah, the bashing of the leeches begins!!! Hilarious that Lindsay thinks she can draw Rage!
What's not hilarious is that she wants to have Justin babysitting Gus while she tries to replace him in the creation of Brian's double. What good can get out of that? Will she make Rage straight living with her double or still gay living with Zephyr?
So happy she had to reveal her intentions in front of Mel; 5000$ for Gus for a month? A family could live with that and maybe have some money left. She's out of her mind.
Can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Happy writing!
Author's Response:
Lindsay always struck me as one of those people who would want to humiliate a former rival as much as possible to show them their place beneath her while seeming charitable. She and Michael as temporary allies are as different as night and day. Michael is about as subtle as an elephant in a glass shop but Lindsay is more like the snake you never know is hiding in the basement, until you unwittingly venture down stairs.
Lindsay and Michael are going to find out the hard way just how much talent and skill it takes to draw and write an actual, original story line for Rage. I can't wait for the hijinks! LOL
Happy Reading and HUGS,

Date: Sep 14, 2016 4:31 am Title: Chapter 2: WHEN I WAS YOUR MAN: Brian
Oh this is good. Mikey and Lindsay teaming up to defraud Justin. With Mel's help that won't happen and Brian will make sure of it. Michael just doesn't get it, does he? Maybe Ted can help with that. Love the get-to-gether Brian had with Lindsay and it came out she'd asked for 5000.00. About time she was called on that.
Author's Response:
So glad that you are enjoying this, Phyllis. If there is one thing we can say about Michael is that he definitely has a one-track mind and will always think that he knows Brian best and what's best for Brian. He is in for some rude awakenings especially once the air is clear with Brian and Justin, which will be coming up next chapter.
Lindsay is.... poor thing, she just... LOL I have no words for her sometimes!
Happy Reading and HUGS,