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Reviewer: Sweetcheeks76 Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 09, 2019 1:38 am Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

Loving the story. Love all the twists and turns that happen. 

Reviewer: purpledee Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 08, 2019 5:41 pm Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

Nichelle, I am so sorry that you feel criticised and that I have upset and annoyed you.  Please accept my sincere apologies and I do love and appreciate your writing.  I promise I will keep further comments on story content to myself.  I agree with you I will stop reading this story and concentrat on your others.

Thanks and sos again,

Deb L

Reviewer: purpledee Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 08, 2019 11:44 am Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

Thanks for the explanation of some of my niggles with this story.

I know it would be easy to just go with the flow and enjoy the story but I'm not built like that.  I have always really got deeply into a story and noticed inconsistences within them that really bug me and to some extent, stop me enjoying the story as fully as I could.  I am the same with books, TV and film, and online stories!

I have noticed some timeline probs with many fanfiction stories that are long, multichaptered and written over time.  I understand that this will always be the case as these are not edited by publishers as a whole entity at the end as books are, for example.  As I don't write them I can only try to imagine how difficult this is!

I'm sorry as I do love all your writing and don't want to appear critical and will just try to ignore my brain. However, it still states in this story that Chris was given money that Michael had embezzled from Justin's rage monies and rage was still after the bashing, as this story also has Justin explaining how difficult it was to create Rage with his hand problems after the bashing. And it still niggles me. That's all I'm going to state about that so we'll leave it there. 

This is all really moot as, I much prefer JTTOU and SOWK anyway!

Thanks for listening,

Hugs & x

Deb L


Author's Response:

Thanks for commenting. I really do appreciate the feedback. But that said, I'm going to suggest from now on that you don't read this story if it bothers you for two reasons:

The first is that this story provided a vehicle for SOWK and JT2U to even be written in the first place. The writers of QAF had inconsistent timelines all the way through the series, and there were a lot of storylines left feeling incomplete. So unlike some authors, I choose to move the timelines in each of my work that's semi-canon based so that it makes sense to not only me, but the readers. If that's not your cup of tea, then okay. But don't knock them for doing what they feel is correct to do for THEIR story.

The way your mind works is not how theirs spins a story. Please remember and respect that.

Secondly, a less confident author would have found your comments thus far less encouraging, especially in terms of THEIR vision for their work. Nothing in this literary world- fanfic or not- says that you have to keep reading a story that you don't like, agree with, can lose yourself in and ultimately enjoy. Fortunately, it isn't like school where there are homework assignments on boring subjects that you have no interests in, but must be pushed through to move onto a higher grade. I write the way I want to, and if the readers enjoy it, that's all to the good. But to be constantly criticized and 'advised' based on your own preference is not only inappropriate, it's downright hurtful in a lot of ways- or at least it would be to anyone but myself.

Throughout my career as a whole, I've had to develop what is called VERY thick skin. I've learned to take the con-crit nuggets from any work I do, and apply or disregard it accordingly. That isn't the case for most of the people who write on these sites. So whereas this particular comment doesn't bother me personally, the one you left on SLA really did. I didn't respond on that work simply because I needed to formulate a response that wouldn't seem as if I didn't appreciate the rest of the comment, even if that last parting shot rankled.

So here it is in reference to ALL my work, and that of others anywhere. You cannot tell a person when to start a story (be it old or new), what to write, or when to write or not to. As a reader, I enjoy all the new work simply because the fandom won't stagnate and die out. However, anyone who knows me- both as an Administrator and as an Author- also knows that I FIRMLY believe in an author's right to write their story as they see it. It's very easy for the public to criticize what they don't really understand, yet benefit from.

There are many hours, days, weeks, years, tears, tantrums, and other emotions that go into producing this free service for entertainment purposes. It is not to be devalued based on a reader's ideal situation. So saying, if the story itself is bothering you, a simple 'thanks for writing' will suffice, and you don't have to complete the story. But please allow an author room to grow, and move within the storyline as THEY see fit. As for this story itself, the recently posted chapter explains just where the money came from, and as stated, it was still Justin's money. 

I hope that you continue to enjoy my work, all the way across the board. But if not, I will treasure the con-crit you gave me throughout your comments and grow from there.

Best Wishes,


Reviewer: Frosty70 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 07, 2019 4:00 am Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

I loved the smackdown Todd gave Deb.

Reviewer: Gabbywithay Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 27, 2017 12:49 am Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

Hi I love love love your work and have so many of your stories on my bookshelf waiting for their next update and I've read almost every work you've done. I was hoping before I start reading times up volume 2 you could please tell me if you do in fact plan on ending it because I don't want to start reading and be left wanting in the end. Thank you so much.

Gabbywithay xx

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 17, 2017 6:07 pm Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

Hi Nichelle!

Thank you for the clarification!

I know there is a risk of that and I always put something on the webcam; I didn't think about Justin's use of skype for his business and what you wrote made it clear.

Can't wait for the next chapter!!!

Reviewer: mcm Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 16, 2017 2:16 am Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

Don't know if I said it yet.  SOOO LOVING this  thank you



Reviewer: chadmom63 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 09, 2017 1:45 am Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

Just discovered this story and I'm loving it!

Update coming soon?  PLease? 😬

Reviewer: chadmom63 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 08, 2017 11:53 pm Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

Just discovered this story and I'm loving it!

Update coming soon?  PLease? 😬

Reviewer: MissMerlot Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 04, 2016 11:47 pm Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

Loving loving loving!  Go Super Ted!

Reviewer: gotb30 Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 04, 2016 1:57 am Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

Excellent first chapter, and so painful...

Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 02, 2016 4:11 pm Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

I think I missed the last chapter. :( sorry!

Heart was in my throat in this one! So much happening in it and so many emotions are raging. 

Brian shows everyone his true self here. Showing them all his heart, and that justin is the one who owns it.

Michael. Dear lord. I really have no words. I think I even felt bile seep up reading that. A part of me wishes that Brian had heard that so he could  end any kind of friendship with Michael once and for all. At elast everyone else heard him this time, and actually realized the reason for Brian punching him before.  Daphne was incredible! I was cheering away. Michael at this point deserves the worst in life, and I can't wait to see what you do to him! lol. I so love your devious mind when it comes to Your "anti" characters. Ethan I HOPE doesn't last much longer. Hopefully folks find out that it was him who caused this to happen and that Lindsey had her hand in it as well.

YES!! Brian has finally gotten his head out his ass and realized that Justin is it for him. They are in for a rocky road together considering the 3 folks who will be out to split them up by whatever means possible, but they are always stringer together. We know as well that Jen and Daph will be supportive of them. The rest of their frinds as well. I'm always hesitant about Deb. He is her son and it's always instictive to protect them, but after what she just heard come out of his mouth, I don't see any way she could support or even be sympathetic to Michael in anything.

another excellent chapter!! Love yourupdates. nice long chapters full of emotion.







Reviewer: jaspersgirl21 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 27, 2016 8:05 am Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

Happy to see that Deb is finally facing the facts about Michael and is not liking what she sees. Or hears. And OMG!! I think it would be absolutely hysterical if the 'material' that Michael stole from Brian's loft, turned out to be Justin's instead of Brian. And even more hysterical if BOTH babies wound up being Justin's. Or even Brian's if it was his stuff Michael got ahold of. It would serve him and Lindsay what they deserve to wind up with no babies, no Brian and no partners. 

Reviewer: SunshineSally Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2016 8:59 pm Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

Wow, this is quite the angsty beginning, isn't it? Am I going to need to charge you for my therapy sessions or will I be okay reading this on my own? ;)

I love what you have done with this so far, God, that episode - AND THE WAY YOU WROTE THAT SCENE.... broke my actual heart... seriously. I get why Justin would have been upset with Brian, BUT it's like, ffs, talk to him, he broke Brians heart when he walked off with twatface... I mean Ethan that night. 

Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 23, 2016 3:06 pm Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

I haven't started this story yet (yes, I try to abide by no WIP rule)  any idea if this might be a super long story or an almost done story?  I know stories can grow when new plots jump in, so I am just trying to find out how much longer I have to wait to read this lol


It looks SOOOOO good!!!!

Author's Response:

Hey Kathy!

I'm not really sure if it's going to be a super long epic which I seem to be known for but I can definitely tell you that it isn't almost done. There is one major plot based off of the bunny Tag gave me but a few subplots that have to be addressed. I hope that once you read it, that it will be as satisfying to you as it is for me to write it!

Happy Reading and HUGS,


Reviewer: addicted-to-romione-bedward Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 18, 2016 2:29 pm Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

This has great potential...just the type of story I need to read. =)

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 13, 2016 2:22 pm Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

Quite the angsty beginning, there . . . So happy to have infected you - I mean, inspired you - with this plot bunny. It couldn't have found a better home. I can already tell you're going to do it up right. Thanks for taking it on for me. TAG

Author's Response:

Thank you so much Tag both for the bunny and the confidence! This one is definitely a special and unique idea and I'm glad to be a part of it!!

Much LOVE and many HUGS,


Reviewer: Glo Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 13, 2016 2:07 pm Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

Love love love this! I always thought there was a few episodes missing between S02E20 and S03E01 to show us what the hell was going This is fabulous! How long do you think it'll be? Can't believe I'm starting another WIP but I love the way you write so much, so...

Author's Response:

Hey Shine!!!! So glad that you are loving this already! And thank you so much for the compliment to my work. It truly is an honor to write for you all!  I couldn't NOT write this one when Tag put it out there. I'm not sure how long it will be just yet. Strangely, this is not one that I'm pretty much writing by the seat of my pants. But from experience I've learned that an author can outline all they would like but the story often takes on a life of its own and begins to 'write itself.' Every last one that I have written to date has done that exact same thing and Lord love the truth they can be like children- both a JOY and a trial! LOL Brian and Justin are definitely in for some highjinks though so stay tuned!

Much LOVE and many HUGS,


Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 13, 2016 1:05 pm Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

This episode has always been a pet peeve of mine.  So far I love where you are going with this.  You write the best stories.

Author's Response:

Thank you so VERY MUCH!! You couldn't have ever given me a better compliment. I want to publicly thank you for always giving my a boost with your reviews, Phyllis. I think I can safely speak for every author you have ever been in contact with when I say how precious they are. Writing can be a very solitary existence but it is wonderful to know that there are people, like yourself, who stand behind the work I produce. 

That said.... This has particular story line has always been a pain in the brain for me too. I've tried to look at it as a necessary evil, I really have, but it still hasn't stopped me from wanting to slap that muzzle on Mikey and tongue-lash Lindsay for not at least saying 'Brian, you're fucking up.' I would have expected that from her; whereas I will always hold Michael responsible for telling half-truths which are even more damaging than outright lies. I'm always amazed that he still called himself a 'Best Friend' after he did that since, to me, his actions were never in the best interest of Brian at all. 

Thanks again for taking this ride with me!!

Happy Reading and HUGS,


Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 13, 2016 11:24 am Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

I think I might have to get a lifetime supply of kleenex for this one. There are bound to be copious amounts of tears.

Author's Response:

Hey Tamara. You're right there will be tears. But there will also be some joyful, humorous and sexy moments, too. But first we have to get Brian and Justin to FINALLY speak their minds and hearts and we all know that has never been easy!

Happy Reading and HUGS,


Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 13, 2016 5:31 am Title: PROLOGUE... AT THE END...

Whoa!!! What a beginning!!! You added some material (and which material) to the saddest part of their story. It's beautifully written, gut wrenching and heartbreaking.

I loved "I just want him to be happy. The hardest part of loving someone is freeing them. And this is fucking hard." and also how you put words to their thoughts on that night and the one before, how you put some responsibility on Lindsay and Michael.

It's always hard to see these episodes, but as it leads to the greatest reunification since Germany, it's bearable. I hope you will make more tears appear (for sadness, joy and maybe a little fun) in their eyes (and ours as well) before the end.


So happy to read that you are also working on your other WIP. Thank you!!!

Happy writing!

Author's Response:

Hey Claire!!! Thank you so much for reading this. And NOPE I haven't forgotten any of the other "Insanity" I'm working on but you know that I won't put out anything I'm not 100% happy with. That said, I appreciate your patience! Your support means the world to me and I never want anyone to think that I take it for granted.

"ADLS" is going to be extremely FUN to write! I wholeheartedly agree with you that this was one of the saddest episodes in their story and although I'll be addressing it in SOWK as well, this is a bit of a different take on that time. I always said that Michael needed a muzzle and Brian AGREED! All things leading up to Ethan really bothered me including the part Mel and Lindsay played. Mel I could understand a bit more but Lindsay, who was supposed to be the better of Brian's 'best friends,' not so much. But the good news is that Brian and Justin will have a surprising ally by the end of all this and will help run some much needed interference!

Happy Reading and HUGS,


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