Date: Jan 09, 2017 4:42 pm Title: Chapter 7
OMG the ladies are a hoot. I'm laughing so hard right now.
Date: Aug 25, 2016 2:52 am Title: Chapter 7
Brian and Jackson’s interaction is so cute! But I wonder what Brian will do when he finds out that Justin to the kids to McDonald’s for breakfast! :)
Lindsay will never learn! But she got what she asked for by marrying Sam.
Yay! Michael’s on the ‘hang-up list’ forever!!
Can’t wait to meet Natalie! And getting Daphne involved, too! Awesome! Fun times ahead!
Evidently Emmett and Justin were not meant to be burglars. :)
Ewwww! Mikey sex! *GAG* I’m with Justin on this, I think I threw up in my mouth, too!
Wonderfully fun chapter! Can't wait for the next.
Date: Aug 24, 2016 4:25 pm Title: Chapter 7
The relations are starting be built between sons and fathers, between brothers and between fathers.
Let's hope they will find sort of a routine to allow everyone to be at ease.
As Sam is out of the city, Lindsay won't try to get Gus, so it should delay her finding out Jackson is Brian's son.
The description of Michael "sexual" encounter by Emmett is to die for (the whining, the duration and the poor "endowment").
The description of Justin's first sexual encounter was also to die for, but for so many different reasons.
Lucky ladies who had a free porn at home.
Date: Aug 24, 2016 3:29 pm Title: Chapter 7
The scene between Brian and Jackson was adorable. I'm so looking forward to seeing tha relationship grow. also the one between Justin and Gus, and of course, all four of them as a family. I also can't wait to read about Michael's and Lindsey's heads spinning off when they figure out about B&J and they new developed family!! LOL!! That should be highly entertaining!!! It'll be nice to see Jackson developing healthy relationships with gus and Brian. Become a kid and learm to play rather than "figuring out the foce of teh soccer ball" ;) He and gus should be able to balnce it all out nicely in time.
Lindsey should take a look at her pre-nup before she starts assuming anything. she may end up shooting herself i nteh fioot if she tries to screw with Sam too much. He may be an ass, but seeing as he's been married nunerous times, I'm sure he's got the whole "covering his ass" concept down to a science. Had to laugh at the convo between the girl and Lindsey. LOL! Userped by a couple of teeny boppers. (at least she sounds like one)
Loved the emmett and Justin break in scenario. emmett always makes me smile. He's such a character. but.........the scene with Michael adn they trick. Ugh.......brain pleasch is now needed at the visual it gave me. haha. He's attampt at sexy talk was laughable!
Justin's description however was....intriguing! Apparently the neighbours thought so too!! LOL!!
Excellent update! Excellent fic!!
Date: Aug 24, 2016 1:40 pm Title: Chapter 7
LMAO!!! I already LOVE Brian and Jackson's interaction! I think Lil' Bit is going to keep surprising his newfound father at every turn! The same goes for Justin and Gus. I am going to love seeing their dynamic grow and change. It was awesome to see Brian and Justin working out the issues almost all parents go through when it comes to school-related things, specifically drop-off/pick-up scheduling. They're already finding ways to make it work so that the other parent's work doesn't suffer.
In terms of the scene at Deb's...First BLECH!!!!! Michael having ANY type of naked ANYTHING is definitely an ECK! factor for me. I still prefer to think of him as asexual or a eunuch at best. And then to use your mother's house as a Den of Sin after he put her out of it was just....I can't even!! Raggedy Rat Bastard! But on the flipside Emmett's comment about Michael whining during sex was HILARIOUS! I almost dropped my coffee during his and Justin's conversation and Justin's introspective inquiry about how the guy was suppose to choke on that. As for Michael's dialogue, he needs to stop reciting porn lines especially if all he has is an extra belly button! Again the fact that I'm even guessing at Michael's peen size is just....EWWWWWW Where the hell is my Brain Bleach?!
AHHHHHH.....MUCH Better! I'll leave this here in case anyone else needs it! LOL
Speaking of which... Justin's reveals about that night so long ago were great. I like that it already feels natural to him to talk openly with Emmett. Emmett's reaction to Justin's memories was so IC that I couldn't help but smile at the exchange.
Finally the Coffee Clutch in the neighbor's backyard was HYSTERICAL and ADORABLE! The one thing I absolutely LOVE about the elder adults is that they are not afraid to speak their minds and this was no exception! I hope there is another scene with them at some point during the story!
Looking forward to SOOOOOooooo much MORE of this!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Date: Aug 24, 2016 11:24 am Title: Chapter 7
Lol....this was hilarious, hot but hilarious. However, Lindsay and Michael both need crazy checks.
Date: Aug 24, 2016 3:46 am Title: Chapter 7
What a wonderful chapter. Love the breaking and entering and their talk. The neighbor inviting them into her yard so they didn't get caught was too cool.
Date: Aug 24, 2016 3:19 am Title: Chapter 7
And now there's Diet Pepsi everywhere.. lmao this was so funny - high pitched squeal - but omg the neighbors that was perfect lol
Jackson's a cute little egg head and Brian's already protective of him... sweet!
I can't wait for the romance Linds and Mikey's heads are going to explode!
Author's Response:
Sorry about the Pepsi but reading your review I snorted water from just picturing it.