Date: Aug 14, 2020 5:54 pm Title: Chapter 1: 34th and 7th
I loved the interaction between Brian and Justin. I hope they get back together :) My heart will always belng to them as a couple. But the story has been Great :)

Date: Jun 15, 2020 9:33 pm Title: Chapter 1: 34th and 7th
So happy to see this huge update! After seeing updates on LAX PIT, I was wondering if you will work on this one. Thank you for the come-back. I'll read this chapter later on as I want to read it in one shot, then I'll leave another comment.
Author's Response:
I'm glad you are still here! I put up a second update as well, so when you do get to reading it, there are 25k words waiting for you :) Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Date: Mar 19, 2020 3:21 pm Title: Chapter 1: 34th and 7th
Please finish this story! I am so enthralled it can't end this way!
Author's Response:
Finally updated with two more chapters (equaling out to about 25k words total!) Thanks for reading!

Date: May 26, 2018 5:21 pm Title: Chapter 1: 34th and 7th
I really liked the first chapter, and did see that Brian had changed, and that Justin just wasn't ready for commitment like Brian was. It's sad to read that Brian was with a new man with a child, but also glad he appears to be happy. How funny that Brian tried to say that he didn't know "Frozen", but he really does, LOL.
Date: Oct 30, 2017 3:27 pm Title: Chapter 1: 34th and 7th
I also wanted to say I LOVED the hammock scene, it was beautifully written, it was touching, yet sad, and tugged at my heart! Made me realize I'm ridiculously romantic and just want our boys together!! Is that in the cards for them or for me...guess time will tell. Candy
Date: Feb 20, 2017 6:33 pm Title: Chapter 1: 34th and 7th
Oh yeah I forgot, fucking Louisa needs a good kick in the ass!
Date: Jun 10, 2016 9:10 pm Title: Chapter 1: 34th and 7th
If I remember well, something happened to Lily in New Orleans (which is a city with a rich and dark history. Many believe that the city is among the most haunted in the United States).
The visit to Eric's parents might have been odd if something happened again with Lily while she was with them.
Maybe the visit to NO started or revealed something. Maybe the parents would want to act on this while Brian was away from Eric and Lily.
A little drama to put some pressure?
That was my theory... will see in the future if it's valid or not.
Date: Jun 10, 2016 8:01 pm Title: Chapter 1: 34th and 7th
You are right, I meant New Orleans (it makes more sense for what I supsect is going on).
I'm sorry, I didn't want to put pressure on you; you wrote that you woud review the old chapters before posting them here. As they are quite long and dense, that might take time.
Please don't worry and take your time.
Thank you.
Author's Response:
Oh, you weren't! Don't worry about that lol. I just wanted to give an explanation for my lateness. And ooooh, I do wonder what your theory is. Care to share? Anyway, I hope to get the next chapter done soon. I went away for a few days so I didn't get any time to actually write. I am glad I have readers, such as yourself, who are excited for the next chapter though! Thanks again!
Date: Jun 10, 2016 5:20 am Title: Chapter 1: 34th and 7th
Happy to see the story coming back to life. I can't wait to read the chapter that follows the trip to Miami.
Author's Response:
I have been working on this chapter for a while, but with two jobs, I have little time. Hope to get it up soon though. Do you mean New Orleans? Eric is working there for a month and goes to North Carolina to see his parents. Thank you for understanding and for reading and reviewing!

Date: Jun 08, 2016 8:18 pm Title: Chapter 1: 34th and 7th
It's strange to think we get use to Brian being with Eric and not Justin. Justin seems selfish in a way for rejecting what could have been the best thing in his life. Oh well.

Date: May 26, 2016 11:57 pm Title: Chapter 1: 34th and 7th
Love the new banner. When I have the time I'll reread this from the beginning and review.
Date: May 26, 2016 9:27 pm Title: Chapter 1: 34th and 7th
Like your new banner! TAG
Date: May 12, 2016 8:58 pm Title: Chapter 1: 34th and 7th
Will you post all the chapters that were on MW and maybe a new one as well?
So impatient to read what happened to South's visitors.
Thank you!
Author's Response:
Hello! I will be posting all chapters from MW to this website and there will be more chapters as well. But due to this being my first story in the fandom, written after a dry spell, I am editing the first several chapters along the way for tense purproses. I hope to be caught up over here in the next couple of weeks and want to get the new chapter up soon. :) Thank you for reading this story!