Date: Mar 19, 2020 9:11 am Title: An Intimate Suicide
Wow. This was really well written
Author's Response:
Thank you! I forget sometimes exactly what I've written and an unexpected review gives me the chance to visit something again. This was a killer - pardon the pun. Thanks for your kind words.

Date: Nov 05, 2018 8:18 pm Title: An Intimate Suicide
Beautiful. And I totally agree about Gale's subtle acting style. It's why I love him and continue to enjoy his work.
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and commenting! And yeah, Gale is a visual actor. You have to watch him and his subtle movements - the mouth, tilt of the head, the way he uses his hands... his movements are where the genius of Brian Kinney came from. He needs highly emotive vehicles for his talent.
Date: Sep 13, 2018 6:49 pm Title: An Intimate Suicide
All I can say is 'WOW'! I'm not normally a reader of MCD fics, but saw the shortness and thought I'd guve it a try. And I'm so happy I did.
Your imagery was amazing. But the fic was heart-wrencing. Their blood lingered together for all to see... Just Wow!
Hugs, Cathy
Author's Response:
Thank you, Cathy. As you can see from some of my stuff, I'm kinda the queen of angst. I find a special kind of beauty in the death fic. It lets a writer explore emotion that they can't in any other setting. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Date: Jul 26, 2016 5:43 pm Title: An Intimate Suicide
absolutely beautiful... awful topic and thoughts, but so beautifully written like a love poem, but so tragic
I didn't want to like this or even read it, but I'm so glad I did!
Date: Jul 23, 2016 9:33 am Title: An Intimate Suicide
need to stop reading this, it makes me cry. So powerful

Date: Jul 17, 2016 12:08 am Title: An Intimate Suicide good and sad and.... I'm going to bawl my eyes out now....
Date: Jul 16, 2016 10:28 pm Title: An Intimate Suicide
So glad you are writing again. Normally I won't read death fics, but it was short and from the title I figured it would be both of them. Very sad but well written.

Date: Jul 16, 2016 4:12 pm Title: An Intimate Suicide
Please send me your address, so I can forward you all my THERAPY BILLS :p My God, girl, that was amazing and beautiful and sad and SAD and did I say SAD?

Date: Jul 16, 2016 3:51 pm Title: An Intimate Suicide
As always, you rip my guts out in the loveliest of ways.....
Date: Jul 16, 2016 11:59 am Title: An Intimate Suicide
Wow! That was powerful. Thanks for sharing.
Author's Response:
Thanks! So glad you liked it.
Date: Jul 16, 2016 8:10 am Title: An Intimate Suicide
"the other willingly letting it slide down his hands and through his fingers without hesitation"... beautifully written, heart wrenching.
I always thought that Brian would choose an overdose to avoid seeing what was happening and get numb enough to let go. He was a master of avoidance when sentiments were involved.
This is a death were you see the blood, the life leaving your body: an obvious love declaration for everybody to know.
Author's Response:
I'm glad you liked it. I tend to the poetic a bit much in my short-short stories. :) But I love imagery! I want to be able to see the scene and that, admittedly, had an impact on Brian's choice here. I think that in all likelihood he would choose drugs. But that is much, much harder to 'visualize' with words. I also tried to make it less sentimental and a little more sarcastic Brian. And I think he definitely wanted to make a statement of love here. words for him on that.

Date: Jul 16, 2016 2:47 am Title: An Intimate Suicide
So Sad!!!
Author's Response:
Definitely sad. Thank you for reading.
I have tissue... :)
Date: Jul 16, 2016 1:55 am Title: An Intimate Suicide
I'm thrilled to see a new story from you, but is it okay if I save this till one of my own darker moments next winter? I'm not sure I could hate to read it in my angst-free summer mode. Can you forgive me? TAG
Author's Response:
You are absolved Tag! LOL Save it for when your tear ducts need flushing.
Date: Jul 16, 2016 1:32 am Title: An Intimate Suicide
Shit. This was so good!
My heart ache with every word! Splendid!
Author's Response:
Thank you! It was a heart wrenching write, to be sure.
Date: Jul 16, 2016 1:23 am Title: An Intimate Suicide
My heart ached reading this! Brian's reflections of this time with Justin were amazingly vivid. Normally I never read an MCD but I'm glad I read this one.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Nichelle. For some reason I find the greatest testiment to the ties between these two in death fics. I'm such an angst whore. And the image of Brian dying in the spot where Justin died... god my heart was twisting when I wrote that. But... at least it was short!