Reviews For Falling Out of the Sky
Reviewer: susi_in_love Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 23, 2016 8:36 pm Title: Chapter 14
Author's Response:
Date: Jun 23, 2016 8:36 pm Title: Chapter 14
Wow, I never even thought about Ted betraying Brian. Will we get to know what caused the fire?
Author's Response:
Yes we will find out what caused the fire. Ted really didn't betray Brian, I wasn't very clear on that. It was an intern at Kinnectik that Brandon had blackmailed. Yes there will be another story to finish everything.
Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed
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Date: Jun 20, 2016 9:01 pm Title: Chapter 14

Date: Jun 20, 2016 9:01 pm Title: Chapter 14
Woah! So Ted wasn't the mole and he isn't dead. This story is getting more complex with each chapter.