Reviews For All I Want for Christmas Is You
Reviewer: BritinManor Signed 

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Date: Jan 30, 2025 11:54 am Title: Chapter 4
Author's Response: It will be the last chapter, but I'm currently stuck on a chapter of another story... but as soon as I finish it, I'll finally finish this story! Yes! But something tells me Brian will have a hard time understanding and will probably try to talk Justin out of it, but we know how persistent Justin is, haha! We'll see what the author is going to do :D Thank you for the comment. And yes, I make my own banners.

Date: Jan 30, 2025 11:54 am Title: Chapter 4
Soooooo ... I was hoping if I held off reading this chapter, that maybe you'd get the next one up, since I'm sure that will be the last chapter.
But as you can see, I didn't make it. This is so good. Brian better get with the program... Justin's back, and Justin doesn't want anything else but Brian.
Will Brian throw it all away? Well, *shhh* I don't think the author would do that to us. Right? :D
Hugs ~Cathy
P.S. Do you make your own banners?
Author's Response: It will be the last chapter, but I'm currently stuck on a chapter of another story... but as soon as I finish it, I'll finally finish this story! Yes! But something tells me Brian will have a hard time understanding and will probably try to talk Justin out of it, but we know how persistent Justin is, haha! We'll see what the author is going to do :D Thank you for the comment. And yes, I make my own banners.