Date: Mar 04, 2023 6:34 am Title: Chapter 31
Hi again! No, as I wrote, shame on me, but I guess, I was never that interested in films. And it was always too much hustle and bustle for me. Is it true that sometimes you had to queue for hours (or days) to get tickets? Well, whatever...
So thanks for another chapter. Wow, if she keeps this up, Molly is really going to be a super queen and she will be successful in making changes! Regarding her partner, I had to think a bit about Harry and Meghan and the completely crazy reactions of some royal family members... If that's all true anyway... So, I'm looking forward to the wedding and to Sunday! Warmest regards!
Author's Response:
You never had to queue for hours unless you wanted to. Me and my friends sometimes did. Like when I was still a student and barely had any money lol. If you went to a certain cinema at 9am in the morning, they would sometimes put last minute tickets for their screenings that day on sale at half price. But you always had the chance to buy tickets online at full price days in advance ;) And to be fair, standing at a cinema at 9am in the freezing cold with other crazy people like you was half the fun :P Now, after the pandemic, they do online sales only, so you have to buy all your tickets online days in advance. Funnily enough, all my friends felt a bit sad about that. I was like: Nah, I am good. I don't have to stand in front of a cinema for an hour to get a ticket for €6 instead of €12 when it's raining or sometimes even snowing. I'll just pay the €12 three days in advance and be happy :P
Molly is definitely a force to be reckoned with :) Funnily enough, I wrote this story a long time before all those Meghan and Harry allegations came out publicly. Maybe I just had a feeling the Royal Family was racist or I don't know lol
Thanks as always for your comment. More will be up tomorrow :)

Date: Feb 28, 2023 6:18 am Title: Chapter 31
Molly is Quite A Force To Be Reckon With.
Go Molly!!
She is Going To Be An Amazing Queen!!!
Author's Response:
Yeah, Molly is a good one :)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow!
Date: Feb 27, 2023 1:04 pm Title: Chapter 31
Good for Molly. I hope the wedding goes smoothly.
Author's Response:
With that mother? We can only hope for the best...
Thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow :)

Date: Feb 27, 2023 8:48 am Title: Chapter 31
Great chapter. Love the addition of Li and Molly's attitude.
Author's Response:
Molly is a force to be reckoned with :)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow!
Date: Feb 27, 2023 1:18 am Title: Chapter 31
Go Molly! She's ready to kick ass royalty! I like this girl
Author's Response:
Haha, yes, go Molly!
Thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow :)