Date: Feb 13, 2023 3:45 am Title: Chapter 23
I love the idea of Brian and Daphne doing media stunt lunches together. Lol. TAG
Author's Response:
The only surprise is that Brian didn't come up with the idea - he's the PR guru ;)
Date: Jan 06, 2023 7:32 am Title: Chapter 23
Hej! I also wish you a healthy and happy New Year! No, I do not like all this "böllern" either. And well, these terrible events that have happened in Berlin, make one just speechless...
So, thank you for another chapter! It made me sad that Justin got so little attention and recognition for his art. But I think that's exactly how it would be if there was an openly gay royal. While I was reading the chapter, it was going through my head how different the real royals are acting right now. Well, I have no idea at all what is written and said there, because it really doesn't interest me at all, but I see these headlines in the "Spiegel" and other newspapers and I find it all just pathetic - here it's exactly the opposite than in your story... They want this attention! Pathetic... Well, I'm curious about you story and how it continues, because that can not be it yet, or.... So, warmest regards and looking forward to Sunday!
Author's Response:
Yeah, what happened in Berlin was horrible...Some people...sometimes there are no words :(
It's funny because due to recent headlines, I couldn't help compare this story to the real royals either. Same when I was writing it. Back then M&H were all about wanting their privacy and moving away from England to get that and I was like: Yep, I understand that. Justin basically did the same in this story. But now...I call bullshit! Sorry, but if you want your privacy, you don't write a book like that or give interviews like the Oprah one almost non-stop.
Someone in another comment suggested that Brian and Justin should give an interview and I was like: No way! They want their privacy and MEAN it. They would never give an interview, even if it would help to clear up some headlines. They would rather do it in subtle ways like Brian and Daphne's lunch. A book or interview, though? Nope... If you want privacy, you have to be private. You can't wash your dirty laundry in public. That doesn't give you privacy...
I can promise the return of at least one part of the terrible two in the next chapter :P
Thanks for your comment. As always, it's much appreciated :) More will be up tomorrow!
Date: Jan 06, 2023 1:16 am Title: Chapter 23
Finally everything happened as their predictions but I'm afraid of dinner at Debbie's, the whole family will be exposed even Gus!!
Author's Response:
Let's hope that it will be fine and they can have their quiet, private life.
Thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow :)

Date: Jan 05, 2023 9:39 am Title: Chapter 23
Great chapter. Sorry you are having problems with it. We will wait as long as it takes to get to the end. It is a wonderful story.
Author's Response:
Thanks, I am glad that you liked it :)
Hopefully, the next chapter will be up tomorrow. It's time for at least part of the terrible two to strike :P
Date: Jan 04, 2023 3:25 pm Title: Chapter 23
Al he wants Is an uncomplicated live while living in a fishbowl.
I think the plan to show up wherever and whenever is a good one. Thanks Drew.
Author's Response:
Yes, Justin likes his privacy. All he wants is a quiet, private life with the people he loves. Hopefully, he can get it!
Thanks for your comment - it's much appreciated! More will be up tomorrow!

Date: Jan 04, 2023 2:01 pm Title: Chapter 23
It was q very smart smooth of Brian and Daphne being seen out together enjoying lunch it was interesting and yet not very interesting, the press need a sensational story and they got it but not the way they wanted it.
If Justin, Brian and Daphne continue to play it this way the press will get bored quickly because everyone will get use to seeing them together.
Now as for Joan and Claire all Brian and Justin have to do is give jaw dropping interview and they will be destroyed, gotta take away their amo and stop them from making money off Brian and Justin's love and lives.
Michael and Lindsay are being too agreeable and quiet that is totally unlike them.
Thanks for the Update????
Author's Response:
Brian and Daphne are very smart ;)
I don't think Brian and Justin are the type of people that would ever give an interview like that. They like their privacy and mean it...
We'll here from one of the terrible twos very soon...
Thanks for your comment. It's much appreciated. More will be up tomorrow :)