Date: Feb 12, 2023 1:39 am Title: Chapter 21
Pretty shocking that Justin got Brian to agree to a housewarming party. Lol. TAG
Author's Response:
Really? Brian will agree to anything Justin's Justin ;)
Date: Dec 23, 2022 9:36 pm Title: Chapter 21
Wow! You've really already experienced / done a lot and I'm starting to believe that you really need a week's vacation first! I've got a week off now and I want to go to the cinema to see "Oskar's Dress", but other than that I'll just be relaxing for the most part.
This chapter: As always, well written! Lots of beautiful moments but also funny ones... "I think he likes it" - haha, the way you describe Gus reaction it is much more than liking. And this one "Is that French?" Hahaha! What should I say (He is and always will be an idiot). Oh, and Linds...really? If Brian kissed her in front of the children, she wouldn't say such bullshit.
So, I'm wishing you a very, very happy Christmas with your family and friends!!!
Author's Response:
I am glad that you liked the chapter :)
Michael will always be Michael - he can't help it ;)
The family and friends are showing their true colours now...
I hope you'll have a very happy Christmas with your loved ones as well :) Enjoy the holidays and enjoy your time off.
More will be up tomorrow! :)

Date: Dec 20, 2022 7:21 am Title: Chapter 21
Great chapter.
Author's Response:
I am glad that you liked it :)
More will be up tomorrow!
Happy holidays :)
Date: Dec 20, 2022 2:01 am Title: Chapter 21
Great chapter. Everyone loves and accepts Justin except two (no surprise!). I am delighted you give space to Blake in this family. I like the story of Ted and Blake. I don't know if you celebrate but Merry Christmas!
Author's Response:
I love Ted and Blake together and like Blake :) And much like Justin he was the new guy for a long time...
Thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow :)
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!
Date: Dec 19, 2022 12:43 pm Title: Chapter 21
Was there ever a doubt that Em and Justin wouldn't get along? All the most important people are very accepting.
Daphne needs to speak up more. Put certain people in their places. Justin shouldn't have to explain to them why he does what he wants.
What was Michael's reaction to seeing Gus's room? Has he seen it? Wheels turing in his head that will/should never come to fruition?
What Mel and Lindsay or Michael and Ben don't ever kiss in front of their kids? Jealousy and envy are rearing their ugly heads.
Author's Response:
I love the Justin/Emmett friendship as much as the Brian/Ted one :)
The friends and family are showing their true colours now...
Thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow :)

Date: Dec 19, 2022 8:46 am Title: Chapter 21
Michael and Lindsay should really remember that at the moment Justin is being nice but the second he stops not even Brian will be able to stop him if he wants to destroy them.
They have met Justin Taylor the man they have never met Prince Justinus who despite losing his title still has power which he hasn't wielded yet.
And once Justin starts Daphne will surely finish because she won't allow anyone to hurt her best friend and the father to their child, they should be afraid Very Afraid when those two come after them.
Brian declaring his love to Justin in front of everyone and not caring is beautiful and shows that he doesn't care what others think he is listening to his heart and his heart like the man wants Justin.
I am really enjoying your story????
Author's Response:
Thanks for your comment - it's much appreciated :)
Happy Holidays! More will be up tomorrow :)