Date: Dec 08, 2022 2:56 am Title: Chapter 18
Love all the plans they're making about the house! TAG
PS. I fixed the link to the bed for you - made it into a hot link. Hope you don't mind.

Date: Dec 02, 2022 6:11 am Title: Chapter 18
Hi again! Oh, I'm also in need for a holiday and I'm looking forward for the time between Christmas and New Year when I'm off work!
Thank you for another beautiful chapter! Yes, I would have liked more of Brian, Gus and Justin in the series too, but as you say "it wasn't to be" as so many other things.... All the more reason I like fanfictions where Gus plays a bigger role and spends more time with Brian and also with his "Jussin". Ah, it felt like the calm before the storm for several chapters now.... Looking forward to Sunday and warmest regards!
Author's Response:
Unfortunately, that time between the years will be very stressful for me as I am in Germany for the holidays (as always), so those days will be filled with meeting friends that I won't get to see the rest of the year. By the time I am back in Dublin, I am usually in need of another week off just to recover from all the meetings ;)
Calm before the storm? What? Don't you trust me to just give them some happiness for once? lol
Well, we'll see if tomorrow will bring the storm or not :P

Date: Nov 28, 2022 7:48 am Title: Chapter 18
I love that Brian, Justin and Gus are so happy. They deserve it.
Author's Response:
They really do :)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow!
Date: Nov 28, 2022 6:29 am Title: Chapter 18
Sweet chapter. Gus is so accepting. Can't imagine what it will be like when they show up at Deb's.
Author's Response:
We will find out soon ;)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow!
Date: Nov 28, 2022 1:30 am Title: Chapter 18
I enjoyed the visit as much as Gus. I really like the bed he chose and the desk in front of the window. Thank you for the link!
Author's Response:
I am glad that you liked it :)
More will be up tomorrow!