Date: Nov 20, 2022 7:01 pm Title: Chapter 16
Michael really needs to learn what boundaries are. Time to change the locks or sell the loft.
Why would Michael want to spend time with his Honeybun when all he wants to do is spend time with his imaginary stud muffin. I mean Brian is a stud muffin, just not Michael's.
Brian's going to be forced to make a choice, and wittle Mikey ain't gonna be happy. Oh well, too bad to be him.
Author's Response:
Michael will always be Michael unfortunately :(
To be fair though, it's a lot of fun to write him that way lol
Thanks for your comment :)
Date: Nov 19, 2022 4:40 pm Title: Chapter 16
Aww! How easily the 'L' word just falls off Brian's tongue now. TAG
Author's Response:
Once he gets behind an idea, he's fully on board ;)
Thanks for your comment! More will be up in a bit!
Date: Nov 17, 2022 8:44 am Title: Chapter 16
Hi, I must admit that I haven't seen "The Crown" so far nor have I ever been very interested in royal families. When the Queen died this year, I found it all soooo over the top. Well, and then Diana... I don't know. They just don't interest me. So I can't really give you an answer, because I really don't know anything about them. But if I am to guess... I imagine it difficult and one can only hope that it is sometime "normal", that one even does not have to out oneself any more. I have thought about it those recent days because of the World Cup. There is not a single active German footballer who has come out! Thomas Hitzlsperger only came out when he ended his career. That's just as unbelievable as in royal families, isn't it? And why is it less of a problem with lesbian footballers? On the other hand... I have the impression that we are unfortunately moving in the wrong direction in many countries (we have both said this before), so unfortunately the situation for homosexual people seems to be getting more difficult again. That's really a shame. And although I really hope that Trump won't be the candidate for the Republicans in the end, I really fear that Ron de Santis would be even more dangerous...
So, now to your chapter. As always, wonderfully written. Oh yes, our Michael. What would fanfictions be without him... haha. What an absolutely outrageous but also Michael-appropriate behavior. I hope he won't be the one to cause problems for our two.... Looking forward to Sunday! Warmest regards!
Author's Response:
I absolutely agree about de Santis being more dangerous. With Trump you always see and hear the crazy, so many people are put off by that. But de Santis manages to sound "normal" and "reasonable", so many people won't be as put off by him as they would be by Trump and that makes him dangerous because some of his views... my God, straight from the Middle Ages :(
The World Cup in Qatar just annoys the hell out of me and I have already decided long ago that I will boycott it. I will not watch any matches. I know that won't change anything but at least I will know that I didn't support a tournament that is outrageous and ridiculous on so many different levels.
Also our team isn't really in a form where I am inclined to believe that we will make it far anyway, so I doubt I will be missing much by not watching their games ;)
Exactly, what would a story be without Michael annoying the hell out of everyone? It would be boring lol
Let's hope that he will be the worst that Brian and Justin will have to face...
As always, thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow :)

Date: Nov 14, 2022 12:39 am Title: Chapter 16
I cringed just reading his name. I thought that after all these years Brian would be away from him, each his own life and now Michael is still there as intrusive and whiny. I thought that the grain of sand would come from the side of "royalty" and now that you called him in my memory I tell myself that it is he who will put his foot in the dish. I hope Justin will help Brian clean up his life. See you on Sunday! You pissed me off for the whole week (just kidding!)
Author's Response:
Awww, I am sorry. I didn't mean to piss you off - just Brian lol
Michael is annoying. Let's hope he will be the only problem that Brian and Justin will be facing :(
Thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow!

Date: Nov 13, 2022 4:06 pm Title: Chapter 16
Ah…the evil wind blowing in was the stench of the weasel!
Author's Response:
We can't have a story without Michael annoying the hell out of everyone, can we? ;)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow!
Date: Nov 13, 2022 3:09 pm Title: Chapter 16
Aggrrr I would have asked the key back. Pfff Michael is so ennoying.
Author's Response:
Michael definitely is a pest :(
Thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow!