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Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 15, 2025 2:38 pm Title: Chapter 6

Brian isn't the heartless bastard that family is always making him out to be.

I'm happy that he gave Justin a chance to explain. Allowing Justin in his bed, if only to sleep, was what Justin needed.Calming and soothingly.

It's terrible how some people get treated when the world only sees them as one thing.

Hugs ~Cathy

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 21, 2022 5:48 pm Title: Chapter 6

Awww! The sweet reunion! TAG

Author's Response:

Finally! Took long enough.

Reviewer: Taylor-Kinney Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 15, 2022 7:36 am Title: Chapter 6

That last scene was so beautiful... I'm glad they finally talked :)

Author's Response:

I am glad that you liked it. The talk was definitely long overdue!

Thanks for your comment! 

Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 09, 2022 7:31 am Title: Chapter 6

Hi! I have to admit that I only caught the attack on Malte (that was his name) days later through a small newspaper article that said he didn't survive the attack. It's so unbelievable and terrible! I read that the murderer faces up to 15 years in prison for assault resulting in death. Hopefully he will! And a few days ago a trans woman was beaten up by teenagers in Bremen. I do wonder to what extent this is also a religious-cultural problem.... Of course, don't get me wrong, this can also happen to you if you meet the wrong group of Germans...

Now on to the lastest chapter which was great! Yes, sometimes the simplest explanations are the best or the most obvious, but did Justin really believed that Brian knew who he was and didn't say anything about it? And that for over 3 years? Hm, isn't he making it a little easy for himself or wasn't that a little naive of him? But anyway, I'm glad Brian didn't kick him out right away, listened to him and even gave him some advice. Oh and such a cute ending... That's cuddling isn't it?! Is that something you do with your fuckbuddy? Ah, those two! ;-) Looking forward to Sunday and warmest regards!

Author's Response:

Oh, I didn't hear about the attack in Bremen. That's horrible :( 

Hearing about these kind of attacks just makes me sad. For a while I thought we were really moving into the right direction, but now...I am not so sure anymore :(

I am glad that you liked the chapter! Maybe Justin is making it a bit easy for himself, but maybe it was also a nice change from his "normal" life to not have to worry/think about who he is for a while and to just tell himself that it doesn't matter who he is. 

I think it's cuddling, but Brian Kinney doesn't cuddle, so I doubt he would agree. Hmmm...? 

As always, thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow :) 

Reviewer: mamab Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2022 9:34 am Title: Chapter 6


Author's Response:

I am glad that you love it :)

Thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow! 

Reviewer: marie-france Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2022 12:29 am Title: Chapter 6

Thank you, this is the chapter I was waiting for. Justin who is behind the door and who explains a little to Brian his life, He may have the solution for him. And the fact that they fall asleep together says it all, although I imagine there will be difficulties ahead. See you on Sunday !

Author's Response:

I am glad that you liked the chapter :) 

Thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow!

Reviewer: sophiesmom Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 05, 2022 9:47 am Title: Chapter 6

He need Brian in his corner watching his back. Certainly picked the right man to fall in love with.

But, 10 years of secrets is asking a lot to forgive.

Author's Response:

We'll see soon if they can work past those years or not.

Thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow :) 

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