Date: Apr 19, 2022 3:35 am Title: The Self That Remains
Sorry Roni. I commented on the French version putting hearts, I don't know why it translated into ??? It was to tell you how much I loved this story. In fact even though Brian has no memories I really like this new Brian. Good life for him with Justin.
Author's Response:
Ahh, lost in translation. I'm sooooo familiar with that. Glad you like the story and my re-wired Brian. Sometimes you just have to go back to start.
Thank you for your comment. :)

Date: Apr 17, 2022 6:47 am Title: The Self That Remains
Author's Response:
Not sure what you're asking. If you could give me just a little more detail? ;)
Date: Apr 16, 2022 12:01 pm Title: The Self That Remains
This was a great little story!! And why was I not surprised that he felt nothing for Michael and Lindsay? They both just walked right in they owned the place, and him. They never really understood what was really going on with Brian.
Author's Response:
Thank you! In my opionion, pre-amnesia Brian's relationships with Michael and Linday developed over time and were based on experiences they shared, good and bad. Even the overstepping and intrisive behaviors were mixed with friendship memories for Brian. He overlooked a hell of a lot because, in his mind, they had been there for him when he pretty much felt he had no one else. Unfortunately, they took advantage of that. Now, he doesn't remember those experiences and is not willing to put up with the 'bad' behaviors from strangers. Personally I think they just didn't *care* what was going on with Brian because, to them, their relationships with Brian were much more important to them than Brian himself was.

Date: Apr 15, 2022 6:55 am Title: The Self That Remains
Jesus Christ on an actual bicycle, that was amazing. Like, actually amazing. So much so that I wish this was a series. I have so many questions. I love that Brian Kinney is almost being rewritten. Please consider writing more. You are my favourite, eeeep
Author's Response:
Wow. I mean, Wow! Thank you for that compliment!
And really, Brian is being rewritten. I kind of imagined it like doing a factory reset on a computer. The old data is out there somewhere in the ether, but unretrievable. The operating system is still there, but the programs are having to be reloaded.
This is probably it for this story, at least for quite some time, but I'm writing like a madwoman on other stories right now. Have a couple in the works and am planning out another visit to the Be All That You Can Be universe. I do love my military!Justin and ArmyWife!Brian. LOL
Again, thank you for boosting my ego. :)
Date: Apr 12, 2022 3:00 am Title: The Self That Remains
Also….please continue this. I’d love to see how they continue their lives together.

Date: Apr 12, 2022 2:58 am Title: The Self That Remains
I love this. Brian being able to be a fully alive person without others banging him over the head with their preconceived notions of who he should be….or even who he thought he had to be. He and Justin can be who they are truly meant to be…together.
Author's Response:
And all that childhood trauma sticking to his psyche like synthetic cum. Always been a big student of the nature/nurture debate. Depends on which day you ask as to which side I'm on, though. LOL. But there is no way that the level of abuse Brian suffered from his parennts - at least what was hinted at in canon - damaged him greatly. Take him back to the blank slate and something entirely different may show up. And "the family" didn't help much. Mercy...