Date: Dec 13, 2022 6:11 pm Title: Chapter 48: Wednesday, December 20th
eureka1 is my favorite author, so I've been having fun replicating her recent stories in emojis. I can't post them on KD because they don't display right, but here is a link to chapter 48 of “Tricky Business” on AO3 in case you would like to check out my "emoji review" in the comments. The emojis don't replace the story (they couldn't) but I hope they enhance it a little.
Date: Apr 14, 2022 4:34 am Title: Chapter 48: Wednesday, December 20th
So happy for this update! I've missed this story! Brian is certainly changing in regards to his feelings towards Justin. He is totally smitten with the boy. I enjoyed his shopping spree and the thought he put into each selection he made. Justin's gifts are certain to be loved by all. He puts such feeling into everything he selects and creates. He is adorable. Loved the Justin/Molly reunion. Jennifer is a pill. She needs to get the stick out of her behind.
Love this story!
Author's Response:
We're so glad you're still with us, Karla :) Thanks for the wonderful comments.
You're right; Brian is smitten (as he should be :) There's a bit of a discussion over on AO3 as to whether Brian will want to keep tricking. Feel free to add your two cents.
The shopping trips were loads of fun to write. Different and yet the gifts were selected with equal care.
There was not nearly enough of Molly in canon; she was practically a nonentity. (You wouldn't believe how many times I counted the candles on her birthday cake to make sure I had the right age... and then I had to go back and correct it after posting this chapter because I switched her to seven instead of eight. Sheesh.)
It's hard to say what will happy with Jennifer, if she'll remove that stick or not. Sadly, unlike in canon, she's very attached to her comfortable country club lifestyle.
We should have a teaser for the next chapter up within a couple of weeks :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Apr 11, 2022 1:19 pm Title: Chapter 48: Wednesday, December 20th
Wow!! Monster update was totally worth the wait - great work!
Author's Response:
Thank you! We're so glad you enjoyed the "monster." :D
~ KaBrynn