Date: Aug 04, 2021 11:21 am Title: Chapter 30
I waited till this was fimished before reading it, as I wasn't sure it was my cup of tea. But I actually enjoyed the story.
Deb L.
Author's Response:
I am glad that you liked it, even though it's not the easiest story to read! Thanks for giving it a chance and for letting me know :)
It's much appreciated!
Date: Aug 04, 2021 6:55 am Title: Chapter 30
Oh, don't even start with Laschet ... And unfortunately that will probably be our next Chancellor. But maybe not, but to be honest, Baerbock ... Scholz ... ? :-( Are those really better alternatives? But when I think about it, I can't think of a current politician whom I would elect in a direct election for Chancellor ... Yes, I think , we should all just think more about our individual actions and habits and try to change things that are possible for us. I ride a bike and use public transport, but that's not a problem in Berlin either. And that sounds silly now, but I started to buy bars of soap because I think that's something I can do without ... the shower gel packaging. Well, that's not a lot at first, but as I said, we should think about all the things that we use, and think about whether there is another way. And ask ourselves if it's really necessary or if it's just habit or convenience ...
Oh, I was afraid this wonderful story might come to an end. But they're in a good place! They got their second chance and are making the most of it. They are happy and reunited as they should be. Gus has both of his fathers with him again. The idea of having this "memory room" is wonderful and I was very touched by the way you described how Gus and also Em and Daphne saw these pictures for the first time. I think that we humans remember a lot through pictures and photographs and the scene made me realize that Gus really has no pictures of his mothers. all in all an amazing story, thank you very much for it! The sadness I felt about the end of this story was taken away again with the prospect of news from the Back for Good Universe! So, looking forward to your next story! Stay healthy and warmest regards! :-)
Author's Response:
Yeah, I am not a fan of any of the candidates either, then again, I am glad that in Germany you mostly vote for a party and that a candidate can't do much that the party wouldn't support. So I have always looked at our elections as voting for a party rather than a specific candidate like, let's say in the US for example, you know?
Over there candidates even within the same party can have very different standpoints, while in Germany it's mostly similar with only small differences.
Then again, we have several parties, they have only two. I mean, the Democratic party in the US pretty much coveres what we consider the SPD, Linke, Grünen and even parts of the moderate CDU.
So yeah, even though the candidates suck, you still know what you can expect for the next four years when you vote for them (or rather their party)...
Back to the story: As always, it had to end with a happy ending. I know that sometimes I am evil and put them through a lot, but I want them to end in a good, happy place. I don't think I could leave a story with a sad ending :/
The idea for the paintings and the room came to me when I saw refugees arrive in Germany on the news and saw that sometimes they only had the clothes on their back or a single bag for the whole family.
Some of my family members are really involved in refugee support groups and some of the stories I have heard about people arriving with nothing, having fled terror with just the clothes on their backs... it made me think about all the pictures I have around my place, all the pictures I have on my phone, my laptop, etc. How I would feel if I lost those pictures.
And with Justin being an artist, that led me to the idea for the paintings and how that might help someone who doesn't have any other tokens of their loved ones to remember them by.
I am glad I am not the only one moved by that idea :)
What can I say? I just can't quit Back for Good. Whenever I think that I am done with that universe, it just pulls me back and a new idea for a story pops into my head ;)
As always, thanks very much for your comment! It's much appreciated :)
Stay safe!
Date: Aug 01, 2021 5:19 pm Title: Chapter 30
I’m just glad they ended up together...this story was a real struggle for me. Looking forward to reading more Back for Good. I so love that universe.
Author's Response:
I am glad that you stuck with the story anyway - I know it wasn't always easy, but to me that makes the ending only sweeter :)
Yes, it seems like I just can't leave the Back for Good universe behind... It always pulls me back in when I thought I was done with it lol
Thanks for your comment - it's much appreciated :)

Date: Aug 01, 2021 3:15 pm Title: Chapter 30
It ended beautifully. The portraits Justin painted of the lost family members was a great idea. Great job. KUDOS!!
Author's Response:
I am glad that you liked the ending :)
I have to admit that I quite liked the idea of the portraits myself!
Thanks for your feedback - it's much appreciated :)
Date: Aug 01, 2021 2:17 pm Title: Chapter 30
I thought this was amazing sad at times but a great ending.
Author's Response:
I am glad that you liked the story :)
Thanks for letting me know, it's much appreciated!