Date: Jul 27, 2021 9:55 am Title: The Call of the Siren
Okay this seems eally different! Can't wait to ee how it develops.
Deb L.

Date: Jul 25, 2021 12:30 pm Title: The Call of the Siren
And ick-ick-ick-ick, no and thrice no,
Thank you, thank you, oh lovely author!

Date: Jul 25, 2021 11:58 am Title: The Call of the Siren
Did George hit him? I'm thinking to stop him from getting away.
And he also said: You have me captive.
I have a brain bleach thought in my head - but Michael made the comment about making it look like he had slept on the sofa. Does he slepp with Debbie when he stays there? (They are unusually close and weird!)
Author's Response:
Yes but it was an accident, albeit a fortuitous one, the captive comment will become clear in the next chapter.
And ick-ick-ick-ick, no and thrice no, but they're closeness does raise many an eyebrow.

Date: Jul 25, 2021 10:22 am Title: The Call of the Siren
Who hit Brian with his car? Need more information.
Author's Response:
George did - it was an accident, a fortuitous one though
Happy reading.
Date: Jul 25, 2021 9:38 am Title: The Call of the Siren
First, l love your fics and I’m sure it will all become clear but…. Wanna explain, I couldn’t wonder more myself. Looking forward to more.
Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Date: Jul 25, 2021 9:34 am Title: The Call of the Siren
Ohhhh this is gonna be good. Me likely! Very much! Wuick.upfates please? >>>Cat