Date: Jul 22, 2021 12:21 am Title: Chapter 28
Hello! Yeah, it's really depressing. It doesn't seem to end. In Germany, the numbers have been rising again for a few days and if it continues like this, they say, it will probably be more dramatic again in autumn ... :-(
Yes, nothing of the dramatic events was noticeable here in Berlin. Last week we always had between 25 and 30 degrees and were rather happy when it rained a little. I always find it unimaginable that such tragic situations can occur only 500 km further away. Is your family well? They don't live that far away, do they? Unfortunately, with the climatic changes we have to get used to more and more to such natural events ...
This chapter! Again, so beautiful and I think it's time for them to move finally together! And to tell Gus about them! And I totally agree with you or Brian and Justin. ;-) Of course, they should look for something new together, because even if Ethan is a really nice person in your story, I understand that Brian doesn't want to live in the house where Justin and Ethan had established a mutual existence and lived their relationship. That just wouldn't feel right. Looking forward to Sunday! Stay healthy and warmest regards!
Author's Response:
My family was fine, thanks for asking. They are about two hours north of where the worst happened in Northrhine-Westphalia and their area "only" had a few flooded basements and cars that were washed away, but no one got injured or died there and everyone I know was fine and didn't even have to struggle with their basements or anything. Thank God! It was horrible to watch the images on TV :(
I am glad that you liked the chapter - it's finally all moving in the right direction :)
And Gus will find out soon - I promise!
Yeah, living in Justin's and Ethan's house wouldn't have done and I feel like it wouldn't have been fair to Brian either. It's a good thing that they will look for a new home - a new start all around :)
As always, thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow! Stay safe :)

Date: Jul 18, 2021 3:51 pm Title: Chapter 28
At last. Openness and honesty. A positive move forward.
Author's Response:
Yes, finally! It was long overdue ;)
Thanks for your comment. More will be up tomorrow!