Date: Jul 07, 2021 12:51 pm Title: Chapter 14 Episode 14 (A Change of Heart)
Excellent chapter I loved the whole different spin
Date: Jul 05, 2021 10:01 pm Title: Chapter 14 Episode 14 (A Change of Heart)
I was reading this forgot it was a re-write and kept thinking... "I've read this before", it was the Debbie keeping tips. I'm really into this again, love the re-write.
But I have one question, in the state of PA an inheirance can go to an 18 year old legally without input from a parent or guardian. Didn't Justin tell Ryder he was 18 years old, or was he fibbing so not to Brian in trouble.
Can't wait for more of this, loving it.

Date: Jul 05, 2021 8:01 pm Title: Chapter 14 Episode 14 (A Change of Heart)
Hehehe. Take that Craig. What the heck is Jennifer doing? More please.
Date: Jul 05, 2021 4:45 pm Title: Chapter 14 Episode 14 (A Change of Heart)
I liked your new original characters.
Kip is a super slime person, no matter what.
Yay for Justin being emancipated. Craig can whine and not get a penny. And now the boys have start ip money for a new agency.