Date: Jun 24, 2021 6:57 am Title: Chapter 30
Fantastic story I have just read all the chapters in one go. I feels familiar I think I have read it before. Did you write it years ago or one similar. Anyway awesome story thank you
Author's Response:
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.
Yes, this was written a long time ago. I am currently getting all of my other stories posted here to KD, but you could have read it at another website.
Thanks for the comment. :)

Date: Jun 21, 2021 5:25 pm Title: Chapter 30
I loved your exploration of their mutual obsession, need,and posessivenes. The ending was touching and fulfilling.
Author's Response:
I'm glad you enjoyed this story, Cathy. At the beginning, it probably looked like another predator Brian chasing after his temping blond, with a bit of plot thrown in for good measure. This turned out to be a lot of drama with so much going on, and I think a couple of surprises along the way. I did enjoy writing this story.
Thank you for reading, commenting, and all of your support. I truly appreciate that.