Reviews For The Offer
Reviewer: BritinManor Signed 

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Date: Jun 21, 2021 5:19 pm Title: Chapter 28

Date: Jun 21, 2021 5:19 pm Title: Chapter 28
Hahaha… Poor little Sap. Even without the drugs and cash from his business, if his home still had men (probably mere boys) still tied up and men passed out, he would go down for a long time. And I bet his home has a safe full of drugs and cash too. But it’s almost laughable for him to think he won’t be gone that long, that he can still get revenge on Brian and Justin. He’ll be an old man by the time he’s released, if ever. See? I bet when his case is finished in court, and what he will have to endure in prison, he’ll wish he were dead.