Reviews For The Offer
Reviewer: Charlotte_Eats_Apples Signed 

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Date: Jul 02, 2021 11:17 am Title: Chapter 19

Date: Jul 02, 2021 11:17 am Title: Chapter 19
Linds needs to see that Mel is bad news here and that although Brian is intense, he means well.
Reviewer: BritinManor Signed 

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Date: Jun 21, 2021 12:35 am Title: Chapter 19

Date: Jun 21, 2021 12:35 am Title: Chapter 19
So, Brian finally has full custody. I’m glad he threw the disbarment out there so they knew how dead serious he was. Melanie was so stupid. I still can’t figure out what she hoped to gain from this. I have to wonder what the original arrangement between her and Craig was.
And when I think of it, I'm surprised Craig didn't have a sharpshooter with a rifle trained on Brian.