Date: Jul 01, 2021 6:22 am Title: Chapter 15
If I saw Craig overlooking some water, I would run and push him in LOL. Seriously though, I cannot believe Mel is involved!!! I am LIVID.
Author's Response:
Craig couldn't be any version of a worse father than he is in this story. I would push him too!

Date: Jun 20, 2021 10:08 pm Title: Chapter 15
OMG!! That was TENSE! WTH is Melanie thinking? What was in the duffel bag? How did they even hook up? So many, many questions swirling around right now. I wish as soon as Ben had Gus, he would have shot Craig in the leg or something, hindrancing him, and then called the cops in.
Then Craig ends it with: Make sure he understands how easily I got to him today. Well, the ONLY reason he got him was because of Melanie. But I have a feeling, Melanie will never see Gus again! So Craig better come up with a new plan!