Date: Jun 23, 2021 6:49 pm Title: Chapter 8
I am worried Ben is going away, what if Sap comes after them?

Date: Jun 19, 2021 11:07 pm Title: Chapter 8
Whoa, Justin! Temptation at its best. But poor Ben. I understand him making a hasty retreat.
Kip sure talked big, didn’t he? He probably won’t be so smug when he finds out just who Brian is. Although I bet it will really piss of Sap, and he won't heed the warning.
A PI looking into Melanie? I have to wonder if they will discover her centerfold pic from her college days. But I guess more importantly, is if she has any skeletons in her closet now.
Author's Response:
Justin certainly gives as good as he gets. I guess we'll see how that plays out. :)
Kip doesn't seem to have a brain. He is simply the Sap's tool. I don't think that's a wise path to take. That's his problem. Lol.
Brian doesn't pull any punches. Part-time father or not, he's a very good one.
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.