Date: Jun 23, 2021 6:04 pm Title: Chapter 3
Go Brin, how dare Melanie bad mouth him in front of his son. She;'s a bitch. Take her down!

Date: Jun 18, 2021 10:45 pm Title: Chapter 3
Well, well… the animosity between Melanie and Brian is at an all-time high. What’s bad is that she’s aware of it, can even grudgingly admit it, yet she thinks she can get the upper hand. Foolish woman. She better really think hard if she's willing to give up Gus, and more importantly, Lindsay.
But that aside, if he could ruin Melanie and get Gus, he must have the power to shut down Sap’s business. He must be aware of what Sap does, so why doesn’t he?
Author's Response:
Melanie certainly doesn't seem to like or approve of Brian in this story. Of course, that's often the case, but she does go too far with her hatred of Brian and his lifestyle.
I think in his business he has reasons not to go after every slimeball he encounters. And in NYC, Sap is probably a small potato. Still... there's so much to happen yet.
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.