Reviews For More Than Friends
Reviewer: BritinManor Signed 

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Date: Jul 13, 2021 7:32 am Title: Chapter 7

Date: Jul 13, 2021 7:32 am Title: Chapter 7
So there really is a concern and caring for his brother. But I don't foresee Justin ever 'hurting' someone intentionally.
Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 06, 2021 3:44 pm Title: Chapter 7
Author's Response:
Date: Jun 06, 2021 3:44 pm Title: Chapter 7
poor Brandon. I always liked Brandon, except in one or 2 stories
Author's Response:
Brandon is often an anti-character in my stories. I get tired of it always being Michael, and I think Brandon would be more of an adversary than wimpy Mikey. LOL. I guess we'll see how it all plays out. Another chapter has been posted. :)
Thanks for the comment!