Date: May 26, 2021 12:45 pm Title: Chapter 28
Sentimental Jennifer. At least she didn't try to change Justin's mind.
Brian was hilarious! First worried Justin was going to be late - then the whole sunglasses thing was very entertaining. Only Brian would wear sunglasses to his wedding so nobody could see him become emotional.
Daphne offering to carry a baby - what a wonderful gift.
Lindsay - what can I say? I doubt her father's warning will settle the bitch. I just hope she doesn't try to make problems for them. She must be wealthy now. But I just can't even imagine her reaction when she learns of Daphne carrying the heir.
Author's Response:
It was so easy for me to visualize Brian being the one to panic on the wedding day. He was a mess. I could see it in my mind vivdly!
I don't think a better or truer friend could Justin have than Daphne. She is so vital to their future, and I think it's a guarantee that Lindsay won't be pleased about the baby development. Have they seen the last of her? I guess we'll see...but there is a sequel. I wonder what that will be about. *Smirks*
Thanks so much for commenting, Cathy.