Date: May 26, 2021 11:39 am Title: Chapter 18
I still find it funny the lengths Jennifer went to!
And oh boy - but those two men can fight! They are both so stubborn, neither is willing to back down, and just because Brian is a prince - Justin is like - BIG DEAL! I'm not listening to you!
But King Salah is another thing. He must be almost the complete opposite of Brian. He was able to calm Justin and speak rationally.
But 'tame the wild beast'? Those words SOUND easy enough! LOL
Author's Response:
Jennifer is certainly protective of her cub, perhaps overly so...but maybe she is over compensating for Craig's lack of parenting.
I guess we knew this would be an all out battle, with Brian thinking he should win on all counts. He is the heir to the throne after all. LOL.
Justin and Salah have quickly developed an interesting relationship. In fact, almost a bond. It was fun writing this variable with an original character.
Some taming is probably in order...but is it possible? I guess we'll find out.
Thanks for the support, Cathy. Always so much appreciated!