Reviews For Captivated
Reviewer: BritinManor Signed 

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Date: May 19, 2021 6:08 pm Title: Chapter 14
Author's Response:

Date: May 19, 2021 6:08 pm Title: Chapter 14
I was going to say: Does Brian have to be so crude? But Justin came back with: "Stated with your inestimable brand of finesse."
But all that overlooks everything else, when Brian showed how impressed he was with Justin's art.
So Jennifer and Craig are getting closer to knowing the truth. What will come out?
Author's Response:
Justin certainly gives as good as he gets...but Brian sure knows how to push his buttons. Doesn't he always, though? LOL
I guess we'll see what Jennifer, and Craig figure out and what follows. Thanks for commenting, Cathy.