Date: May 14, 2021 2:36 pm Title: Chapter 7
Vance is such a wuss! Let him get a smell of that check with all those zeroes, and he'd probably sell his soul to the devil.Instead of the prooffered drink, it's funny he didn't just grab the bottle.
Very noble of Justin meeting the wolf in his hotel room to extend a thank you. Little does he know just how soon he will be seeing him again. I have a feeling he won't be as congenial.
Author's Response:
Vance would suck up to anyone, especially when the 'almighty dollar' was involved. That was simply too easy. Brian could have probably secured Vance's cooperation with a mere pittance!
I think Justin was a bit unnerved to be alone with Brian in his hotel room, and he was proven right in that...but their next meeting should be much different. LOL.
Thanks for all of your support, Cathy.