Date: May 12, 2021 10:16 am Title: Chapter 4
In a way, I'm surprised Brian didn't send Ted along to Taylor Electronics this evening. Thus to prevent Craig having another go at the books.
Jennifer is a conundrum. Is she as innocent as she seems? Is she more aware of what Craig is and has been doing, and is trying to head it off?
The fact Brian missed Jennifer's question, then proceeded with the leg caress - oh my, if Ethan had been there! At least we know Ethan isn't permanent.
Well, the stables failed, so I wonder what Babylon will behold?
And now what does Brian have up his sleeve?
Author's Response:
I think in any other set of circumstances, Brian would have sent Ted back to the store with Craig...but he is so distracted by his little blond dynamo, at times, he doesn't seem to be thinking clearly. LOL
The stables failed in a big way. Justin isn't a pushover, or easy in any way. Not that he isn't attracted physically to Brian. Who wouldn't be? But, Brian doesn't have his easy mark with this blond. Haha.
We shall see what he tries next. I wonder if it will be another failure. LOL.
Thank you for your support, Cathy.