Date: May 12, 2021 9:27 am Title: Chapter 3
Sneaky Jennifer. Poor Craig. I can just about imagine he will still sweat through the whole meal, waiting for some slight that just might give something away.
Justin - astute as always. Impish wanting to bring Ethan... although it would have been funny to see Ted and Ethan ACROSS the table from Brian and Justin, and Brian's hands occassionally disappearing from view. (I know, I'm mean! LOL!)
And I found this quite comical: "What am I, three years old?" Justin muttered. "Yes, I'll behave... as long as he does." LOL... Brian Kinney - BEHAVE??? Yes, we could have a fun dinner party.
And was Justin too hasty when he said he wasn't on the menu?
Author's Response:
At this point I think we can take Jennifer as she appears, wanting to see the best in everyone and every situation. Naive perhaps, but she knows Craig needs this meeting with Brian to go well. Will it? Only time will tell.
I almost wish I had included Ethan in dinner, but Justin isn't really dating Ethan in a serious way. Although, it would be fun to see initial jealousy from Brian here, and how he would handle it. I'm sure it would be memorable. Lol.
One wonders if Justin even believes he isn't on the menu! Haha.
Thanks for commenting, Cathy.